Invitation for Pre-Qualification - (PQ/CM/2160/13) for the Brass LNG Project Camp Maintenance Services Contract

Posted by Chinyere on Mon 18th Feb, 2013 -

1.) Introduction:
Brass LNG limited intends to award a single Camp Maintenance Services Contract for provision of catering, camp infrastructure maintenance & operation, laundry, housekeeping, janitorial, and other services as described in the high-level summary of the Scope of Work provided below.

1.2. Brass LNG therefore invites only interested, suitable, reputable, qualified and experienced Brass Island indigenous Contractors and Consortia (hereinafter referred to as ‘Applicants”) that have either executed by themselves, or as partners in consortia or joint ventures, such industrial site accommodation camp maintenance contracts of similar complexity and scope and having overall yearly contract values in excess of N 200,000,000.00 (Two Hundred Million Naira).

1.3. Only Applicants meeting this initial criterion (i.e., direct participation, excluding any sub-contracting roles, in the execution of industrial site accommodation camp maintenance contracts of similar complexity and scope with individual contract values in excess of N200,000,000.00 (Two Hundred Million Naira per year) should submit information to Brass LNG for their pre-qualification to tender for the following indicative Scope of Work. Any submissions not in compliance with the aforementioned criterion will be disregarded.

2.) Scope of Work:
The Camp Maintenance Services Contract shall include management, supervision, labour, material, equipment, spare parts, tools and consumables to perform the following items of work at the Brass LNG Project Site, Brass Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
  • Senior, Junior, and GSF camp accommodation administration and record-keeping services.
  • Catering services for expatriates & Nigerian personnel (forecast peak staffing levels: 20 expatriates and 150 Nigerian).
  • Housekeeping and Janitorial Services for all accommodation and office units.
  • Operations and Maintenance services for all electrical, HVAC & power generation, water wells water treatment plant, sewage treatment plant, DSTV system, fences, guard towers, diesel/oil fired incinerator, all other Owner supplied buildings & equipment, exterior grounds, ditches, walkway, and interior & perimeter lighting.
  • Fire Safety and Security
  • Laundry Service
  • Insect and Pest Control
  • Maintenance of Brass LNG JTF porta-cabins.

2.2. It is recognized that a single Contractor might not have access to all the resources required to perform the work, and in this case, Interested Contractors should nominate other experienced and reputable Contractors that might function as Consortia partners.

2.3. Contractor shall be responsible for security to protect own personnel, equipment, materials, and any temporary office facilities white on the Brass U4G Project Site. Contractor shall also be responsible for security of its personnel and assets during movements to/from Project Site.

3.) Licensing, Permits end HSE:
Applicants shall have the necessary permits, licences, and accreditations to perform the Work. Applicants shall provide appropriately qualified and trained field supervisors, technical operations & maintenance personnel, and other labour to perform the work, and such personnel shall have the appropriate Nigerian licenses and qualifications.

3.2. Applicants shall be responsible for applying, obtaining, and maintaining at required licensing, authorizations, registrations and permits that may be required under the prevailing laws of Nigeria.

3.3. For the performance of the aforementioned Scope of Work, Applicants shall comply with all applicable health, safety and environmental laws and will be solely responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all HSE precautions and programs in line with Project EIA requirements, HSE Policies, and related Plans and Procedures.

4.) Pre-Qualification Requirements:

To pre-qualify, it is mandatory that each Applicant must provide the following required information and supporting documents for itself as well as its affiliates, partners, holding company etc. In the case of a Consortium, each of the members must provide the required information in the same manner and sequence as listed below.

4.2. Failure to provide any of the requested information may disqualify the applicant.

4.3. Company Profile:

Ownership form & structure (e.g., single contractor, consortium, Joint venture, parent holding company, partnership, etc.) with names and details of Applicant, consortium or partner members (if applicable), parent company, affiliates, and potential sub-contractors for This Scope of Work: Organization charts of Head Office, with lists of key management & technical personnel at each location, giving names.

If not a sole contractor, then provide organization charts for all pertinent locations, with lists of key management & technical personnel, giving names, position, experience, qualifications, age, responsibility, and CV’s, required for the management of the consortium / JV / partnership, etc. Also provide contact person names, positions & contact details. Submit a signed Agreement! Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the consortium/J V/partnership members specifying management structure and division of Scope of Work herein.
Any literature, brochures, etc.

4.4. Certificates and Registrations
Current copies of Certificate of Incorporation* Registration in Nigeria* Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) Permit* Pay As You Earn (PAVE)* Value Added Tax (VAT)* Business Permit* and Income Tax Clearance (ITC) Certificate’ for last three (3) years.

Certified True Copy (CTC) of Memorandum and Articles of Association.

4.5. Accounts and Insurance Records:
Audited accounts and balance sheets for last three (3) years; such information should contain financial ratios/indices (e.g., current asset turnover, debt/equity, sales turnover) to assess liquidity, profitability, etc.;

4.5.2. submit certified lists of fixed assets with values, as well as lists of bankers in Nigeria and Overseas; provide bank reference letters specifying credit limits, as well as copies of current insurance policies (workman’s compensation, marine, all-risk, 3rd party liability, etc.).

4.5.3. At a minimum, Applicant must provide satisfactory evidence of existing 3rd party liability insurance coverage with a minimum per occurrence limit of Ni 50,000,000.00 (One Hundred and Fifty Million Naira).

4.6. Resources
Applicants shall list manpower resources (permanent/contract staff) including names, positions, qualifications, ages, experiences, and indigenous background.

4.6.2. Applicants must provide experienced, fully licensed & trained operations & maintenance technicians for all of the aforementioned camp infrastructure systems (e.g., electrical & power generation, sewage treatment, water treatment, etc.), chefs & other food preparation specialists, housekeeping & janitorial personnel, repair shop and spare parts warehouse specialists, safety equipment technicians, DSTV, etc.

4.6.3. In addition, Applicant shall provide lists of all maintenance equipment, tools, and consumables that will be provided by Applicant to perform the work.

4.7. Past Work Expernce:

Applicants Shall list industrial site camp maintenance work experience during the last five (5) years in Nigeria, giving brief scope of work client name, work site, geographical dimensions of work site, contract award value, contract duration, final contract value, actual completion date & duration, Project Manager’s name, and contact details.

4.8. Current Work Load:
Applicants shall list on-going and future projects (2013 - 2015) in Nigeria giving brief scope of work client name, work site, contract award value, contract duration, percentage completion supported by milestone completion certificates,. Project Manager’s name & contact details.

4.9. Procurement:

Applicants shall provide specific procurement policies, procedures, and plans to execute the work, as well as a proposed procurement organization structure appropriately sized for the complexity and magnitude of the Scope of Work specified herein.

4.9.2. Applicant shall also provide detailed procedures to be used in sourcing of foodstuffs, spare parts, and maintenance consumables,

4.10. Health, Safety and Environment:

Applicants shall provide project-specific HSE Policies, Procedures, and Plans, as well as a proposed HSE management structure appropriately sized for the complexity and magnitude of the Scope of Work specified herein.

Applicants shall also provide safety performance track record (e.g., fatalities, lost workdays, etc.) for the last (3) years.

4.11. Quality Assurance/Quality Control

Applicants shall provide project-specific Quality Management Policies, Procedures, and Plans, as well as a proposed QAJQC organization structure appropriately sized for the complexity and magnitude of this Scope of Work.

4.12. Project Services
Applicants shall provide project-specific Project Planning & Control Policies, Procedures, and Plans, as well as a proposed Project Services organization structure to perform the work

4.13. Community Relations:
Applicants shall provide Community Relations policies & management structure appropriately sized for the complexity and magnitude of the Scope of Work specified herein.

4.14. Nigeria Content

4.14.1. Brass LNG Limited is committed to the development of the Nigerian Oil and gas business consistent with the Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 (NOGICD Act or The Act) on Nigerian Content.

4.14.2. It is important that applicants familiarize themselves and comply with the provisions of the Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry Content Development Act otherwise referred to as The NOGICD Act in their Expressions of Interest. Pre-qualification and Tender that may result from this advert

As from the commencement of The Act, the minimum Nigerian Content in any project, service or product specification to be executed in the Nigerian oil and gas industry shall be consistent with the level set in the Schedule of The Act and any other targets as may be directed by the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB or The Board)

4.14.3 Applicants in their responses shall confirm and describe in full the work lobe completed in-country and using resources of Nigerian origin in fulfillment of the provisions of the NOGICO Act and shall execute all Work detailed in their submissions in line with The Act. Deviations from the Nigerian Content requirements and the Nigerian Content Plan by Company are not acceptable and may be treated as a fatal flaw.

Applicants that demonstrate their commitment to meet or exceed the NOGICD Act requirements shall be a ground for preferential consideration in the technical and commercial bid evaluation.

Failure to fully comply with the Nigerian Content Act or demonstrate commitment to Nigerian Content Development Policy of the Nigerian Government shall result to disqualification.

4.14.4. As part of their submission, Applicants shall:
Develop a Nigerian Content Plan (NCP), which shall explain the methodology of how applicants intend to comply with the requirements of The Act and how to achieve the set target(s) in the Schedule of Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry Content Development Act and any targets set by The Board. How it intends to give first consideration to services provided from within Nigeria, first consideration to goods manufactured in Nigeria and first considerations for employment and training of Nigerians. The NCP shall be consistent with The Act and demonstrate that Nigerian indigenous service companies and local suppliers and subcontractor from the project locations have been given exclusive considerations in the provision of goods and services. Tenderer’s detailed plan to achieve/sustain the minimum %tage Nigerian Content level as prescribed by the applicable measurement metrics in the Schedule of the NigerranContentAct2ol 0. 4.14.5. Demonstrate that entity (i.e. applicant or tenderer) is a Nigerian- registered company. Submit certified true copies of CAC forms 10, 02 & 07(or its equivalent; CAC 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, etc) including company memorandum & article of association and other evidence of entity’s incorporation, shareholding & ownership structure in Nigeria Maximizing Nigerian Content is a key contract priority

4.14.6. Provide detailed description of the location of in- country committed facilities & infrastructure (assets, equipment. technical office, and administrative space, storage, workshop, assembly area, repair & maintenance, testing, laboratory, etc) in Nigeria to support this contract including evidence of the OEM Nigerian Content Equipment Certification issued by NCDMB.

4.14.7. Provide a project-specific training, man-how budget, skill development and technology transfer plan for Nigerian personnel or indigenous business including evidence of past performance on training and development for Nigerians nationals & indigenous business. Plan for sponsorship of Nigerians to acquire competence and/ or certification. Further development of local employees as professionals. Proposed training plan for Nigerians on the project including a brief training outline for OEM products, engineering, software & hardware, project management, procurement, construction, installation, start-up & commissioning, maintenance, testing and operations

Provide evidence (personnel list and positions with organization chart to substantiate) of percentage of management that are Nigerian Nationals and the percentage of the total workforce that are Nigerians.

Submit tenderer’s corporate organization’s overall human resources structure (mgt, supervisors, senior & junior skilled officers, etc) identifying positions manned/occupied by Nigerian nationals and type of employment in-country and identifying the positions manned/occupied by other nationals.

4.14.9. Provide description of how you would maximize the utilization of Nigerian resources (labour, materials, goods and services) in the execution of this contract. Maximizing Nigerian Content is a key Project priority.

Contractor must be willing and able to provide evidence of maximization of made in Nigeria goods and services.

List of all work which will be carried out by Nigerians and Nigerian companies, in accordance with Nigerian Content Requirements, divided into the following categories:

Work which will be executed by the Applicant using its own resources

Work which will be sub contracted, giving the scope of such sub-contracts and the names and locations of the proposed subcontractor and/or details of scope of work for indigenous services & local 3rd party businesses from within the project location.

Plan and strategy utilized in maximizing Nigerian Content in most recent major Services Contract, - Proposal for achieving Nigerian Content in this contract.

4.15. Additional Information;
Any additional information that will highlight Applicants unique qualifications for performing the Scope of Work specified herein.

Being a community based contract, intending companies from outside the host community must have signed Joint Venture or Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with a host community contractor.

In case of Consortia, the above requirements are to be furnished for each and every member demonstrating joint and several liabilities to perform.

4.15.3. Failure to provide any of the requested information and documents will disqualify Applicant. Please note that Applicants will be evaluated for the completeness and quality of the information presented with supporting documents, demonstrating their technical, financial and managerial capabilities in executing the entire Scope of Work specified herein.

4.15.4. Pre-qualification information should be submitted in (2) sets of hardcopy plus two (2) sets of CDROM. Each set must be properly indexed, separated and arranged into sections, in the serial order as indicated above and submitted in a sealed envelope printed to show the following:

Confidential- Brass LNG Invitation for Pre-Qualification No. PQ/CM/2160/13 for Camp Maintenance Services Contract

4.15.5. Closing Date/Submission 
Pre-qualification documents must be submitted on or before 300 p.m. March 4th, 2013 at the following address:

EPC Contracts & Procurement Manager
Brass Facilities
Brass LNG Limited
Plot 1680 Sanusl Fafunwa
Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.

4.15.6 Late submission of the proposals will NOT be considered under any circumstances.

5. Please Note:

This advertisement is not an “invitation to tender” but only an “invitation for pre-qualification” and must not be construed as a commitment on part of Brass LNG limited nor shall it entitle potential Applicants to make any claims whatsoever and/or seek any indemnity from Brass LNG Limited and/or any of its Shareholders by virtue of such potential Applicants having responded to this advertisement.

5.2. Notwithstanding submission of the pro-qualification information, Brass LNG Limited is neither committed nor obliged to include any Applicant on any bid list or bear any expenses related to the preparation and submission of the pro-qualification documents or to award any form of contract to any Applicant and/or associated Companies, Consortia, Subcontractors or Agents.

5.3. Invitations to Tender will only be extended to those Applicants that are deemed to be pro-quaff led by Brass LNG limited. In addition to the review of the pre-qualification information, Brass LNG reserves the right to inspect Applicant’s facilities, as well as conduct safety, technical, and financial audits.

5.4. Brass LNG will only deal with authorized officers (with Power of Attorney) of the pre-qualifying Applicants and NOT through individuals or agents.

5.5. Brass LNG will not enter into correspondence with any Contractor company or individual on why it was short-listed or not short-listed.


