The Ministry of Works and Transport, Oyo State invites reputable and proven contractors to submit bids for the supply of the following fire fighting rescue/special tools.
S/No Equipment | Quantity | Specifications
- Breathing apparatus charging machine 1
- C02 charging machine 1
2.) Bid Requirements
Interested contractors are to submit the following documents:
- Evidence of registration with Oyo State Bureau of public procurement ip relevant category.
- Evidence of the company registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission.
- Evidence of payment of personal Income Tax by at least two (2) Directors of the company (in case of Limited Liability) or by sole proprietor in case of enterprises covering the last 3 years.
- Evidence of payment of pre-qualification or bidding fees.
- Evidence of successful completion of similar projects in the past (letters of award of contracts and certificates of completion).
- Company’s profile with relevant information.
3.) Tender Fee
Interested bidders are expected to pay a non-refundable fee of Twenty-five Thousand Naira (N25,000.00) each. Only in favour of
Oyo State Government.
Account Code - 4040024/
Titled: Sales of Tender document.
4.) Closing Date
12noon on 8th March, 2013
5.) Method of Application
- Tender documents can be obtained by interested contractors from the office of the Director, Oyo State Fire Services (Ministry of Works and Transport, Secretariat, Ibadan) upon the payment of a non-refundable fee of N25,000.00 between 8:30am and 3:30pm from (Monday - Friday) starting from 22nd February, 2013.
- Furthermore, submitted bids must be made in English language and pricing should be in Naira and Kobo
- Completed bids should be submitted in sealed envelope to the Cabinet Department, Governor’s Office, Secretariat, Ibadan.
- Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend at 12.00noon on Tuesday 12th March, 2013 at the office of the Director, Cabinet Department, Governor’s Office, Secretariat, Ibadan.
Engr. Ka Yode Adepoju S.A. (Infrastructure)
February, 2013