1.) Preamble
National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) Kaduna, a Parastatal of the Federal Ministry of Education, intends to execute the following projects, under the 2013 Capital Appropriation Act, The Board is therefore desirous of engaging competent Contractors and Suppliers to undertake the works.
In view of the above, NBTE hereby wishes to invite interested and eligible contractors and suppliers with proven capabilities for pre-qualification for the works.
2.) Scope of Works
The scope of the works includes the following:
- Renovation and upgrading of NBTE Liaison Office in Abuja;
- Renovation and Upgrading of NBTE Secretariat in Kaduna;
- Purchase of Office Equipment, Furniture and 50Nos Close Circuit Security Surveillance Equipment;
- Construction of Staff Offices in NBTE Centre of Excellence in TVET at No. 9, Kajuru Road;
- Procurement of Project Monitoring and Accreditation Vehicles,
- Sensitization Campaign on Opportunity in TVET and NVQF;
- Development of Curriculum and Syllabuses in TVET.
3.0 Pre-Qualification Requirements:
To be considered for pre-qualification, interested, competent and reliable Contractors/Suppliers are required to provide verifiable evidence including but not limited of the following documents:
- Coloured photocopies of Current Company Tax Clearance Certificate for the last 3(Three) Years (2010, 2011 and 2012);
- Photocopy of Certificate of Incorporation/Business Registration in Nigeria with Corporate Affairs Commission;
- Coloured photocopies of Value Added Tax (VAT) Registration Certificate and evidence of VAT remittance;
- Company’s Audited Accounts for the last three (3) years. (2010, 2011 and 2012), duly signed and stamped;
- Comprehensive Company Profile including details of the Management and Professional staff and copy of Company Brochure with convincing evidence of competence to undertake the relevant works/supplies;
- Evidence of adequate relevant equipment and infrastructure to handle a sizeable construction / renovation works;
- Evidence of legal capacity to enter into contract i.e. the company is not a receivership;
- Evidence of technical, operational and managerial capabilities;
- Evidence of Financial capabilities to execute the supplies. This should include certified statement from a refutable Bank, (Bank reference letter only is not acceptable);
- Verifiable evidence of previous experience i.e. having successfully carried out similar works/supplies in the last five (5) years with their costs, locations, name and telephone number of the client and copies of contract award letter and completion certificates;
- Evidence of Compliance with the Federal Government Contributory Pension Scheme;
- Evidence of payment of ITF employer’s Contribution;
- Evidence of Registration with FRC (Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria);
- A Sworn Affidavit affirming that none of the Directors of the Company was ever convicted in a Court of Law;
Any other relevant document that will place the Company on a comparative advantage
4.) Note:
- The Preqtia1ification documents must be arranged in the order listed above. Submissions could be disregarded for failure to comply with this instruction.
- Any Company that submits fake documents shall be disqualified outright and may b reported to the appropriate authority;
- Bidders should accompany the bid with a disclosure whether any officer of NBTE is a former or present Director, Shareholder or has any peculiar interest in the Company.
- NBTE shall reserve the absolute right of rejecting any document it considers doubtful.
5.) Closing Date:
Documents must be spirally bounded and enclosed in an envelope, boldly marked
"Pre-Qualification For (The Name Of Work/Supply Interested As In Items 2.1 2.7 Above)”. To be addressed to:
The Executive Secretary,
National Board for Technical Education,
3 Floor, Plot ‘B’ Bida Road,
Kaduna .
And dropped in the Tender box at the Secret Registry, 3rd Floor, NBTE Secretariat Building; Plot B, Bida Road, Kaduna on or before
12.00 noon on 8th April 2013.
6.) Pre-Qualification Opening:
- The documents submitted will be opened on 8th April 2013 by 12.30pm at NBTE Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Secretariat Building, Kaduna;
- Tendering will be applied to only pre-qualified contractors/suppliers who will be issued bidding documents to prepare their bids.
- NBTE will not enter into any correspondence with any unsuccessful Company. All bidders, Observers and the General Public are equally invited to the opening ceremony.
This Advert shall not be construed as a commitment on the part of NBTE nor shall it entail the responding Contractors/Suppliers to make any claim(s) whatsoever and/or to seek any indemnity from NBTE by virtue of such Company having responded to this Advertisement/invitation for pre-qualification.
Dr. M.A. Kazaure, mni
Executive Secretary
NBTE, P.M.B. 2239,
Bida Road,