Invitation to Tender for the Design, Implementation and Commissioning of Information Technology Disaster Recovery Solution (DRS) in the Central Bank of Nigeria

Posted by Chinyere on Thu 11th Apr, 2013 -

1.) The Central Bank of Nigeria (hereafter referred to as “CBN” or “the Bank”), being the apex Bank of the country, occupies a central position in the economic and social development of Nigeria. In order to fulfill its vision of being the best in class among the world’s central banks, the Bank has deployed Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and enterprise applications to support its core business processes and enable delivery of its strategic objectives.

2.) The bank has embarked on a Technology Refresh Project to modernize its information technology infrastructure base.

3.) The Bank is currently retrofitting her Data Centres in its Head office and two other locations to achieve high availability and true disaster recovery capability. CBN is seeking to design, implementation and commission an Information Technology disaster recovery solution.

4.) CBN now invites sealed bids from bidders for the design, implementation and commissioning of Information Technology disaster recovery solution. This Request for Proposal (RFP) is being extended to a set of eligible and competent Vendors.

5.) Proposals from single vendors or from multiple vendors working together as a team will both be considered. The ideal vendor(s) will have certified knowledge and verifiable capacity and experience in the data center industry. Experience in the public or banking sector is preferred, but not mandatory.

General Requirement
Interested and competent vendors wishing to provide the above service to CBN must submit the following documents for verification:
  • Evidence of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission
  • Evidence of payment of tax for the last three (3) years as and when due.
  • Comprehensive company profile including registered address, functional contact email address, GSM phone number(s), facsimile number(s). d.) Verifiable evidence of similar jobs successfully executed in the past.
  • Reference letter from bank stating financial ability to carryout such service(s).
  • Current company’s audited statement of account.
  • Certificate of Compliance issued by the National Pension Commission as evidence of fulfilling employers obligation to employees with respect to pensions.
  • Evidence of payment of training contributions to ITF (Industrial Training Fund).
  • Evidence of Registration with FRC (Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria).

Specific Requirement
  • All requirements are mandatory.

Collection of Bid Documents

Interested companies who possess the above minimum requirements may collect the bidding documents on the payment of a non-refundable fee of N50,000.00 (Bank Draft in favour of Central Bank of Nigeria) from:

The Secretary,
Major Contracts Tenders Committee
2d Floor, Wing C
CBN Head Office Complex,
Central Business District,
Abuja, FCT Nigeria.
Phone No: 09-462-37216

Completed tender documents, including all the above listed documents should be forwarded in wax sealed envelope boldly marked at the top left corner: “Design, Implementation & Commissioning of Information Technology Disaster Recovery Solution (DRS) In the Central Bank of Nigeria”

And addressed to:

The Secretary,
Major Contracts Tenders Committee
2” Floor, Wing C
CBN Head Office Complex,
Central Business District,
Abuja, FCT Nigeria.
Phone No: 09-462-37216

Closing Date
All submissions must be received at the above Office 22nd May, 2013

Opening Date

All submissions will be opened not later than 29th May, 2013

Important Notice
  • Nothing in the advert shall be construed to be a commitment on the part of the CBN.
  • The successful company(s) will be notified formally.



