The Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri wishes to construct the Phase II of the registry Building from its Internally Generated Revenue (IGR).
This is, therefore, to invite for pre-qualification, reputable contractors for the execution of the project.
Project Description
Construction of the Registry Building (Phase II) for the Federal Polytechnic Nekede.
Pre-Qualification Requirements
- Valid Certificate of Registration/Incorporation
- Current Tax Clearance Certificate
- VAT Registration and Evidence of past VAT remittances.
- Company Audited Accounts for 3 (three) years Evidence of Financial Capability and banking support/guarantee
- Evidence of Similar Projects Executed
- Evidence of Technical Capability
- Annual Turnover
- Evidence of timely completion of similar projects executed
- A verifying Affidavit under the Public Procurement Act 2007 sworn to at the Federal High Court indicating that the company is not in receivership; non of its Directors has been convicted for fraud; disclosure of any relationship with the Polytechnic Personnel (Proforma of this must be obtained at the Public Procurement Unit (PPU) of the Polytechnic).
- Evidence of compliance with Section 6(1)-(3) of the Amended IFT Act 2011. (A copy can be obtained at the Procurement Unit of the Polytechnic).
- Evidence of Registration with National Pension Commission, in compliance with the Provisions of Section 16(b) (d) of the Public Procurement Act 2007 (PPA 2007).
Verification of Claims in Pre-Qualification Documents
Please note that the Federal Polytechnic Nekede will on its own verify the claims made in the pre-qualification documents, Pre-qualification analysis will be based on technical and financial capability of the documents.
Submission of Pre-Qualification Documents
Pre-qualification documents will be submitted with a non-refundable fee of N5,000.00 (Five Thousand Naira) only in bank draft made payable tothe Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri.
Only pre-qualified companies will proceed to the bidding process.
Pre-qualification documents should be enclosed, in a sealed envelope addressed to:
The Director
Procurement Planning Unit
Federal Polytechnic Nekede
PMB 1036
The description of the project should be boldly written at the right hand top corner of the sealed envelope.
The document must be submitted not later than
7th May, 2013 (12 noon) from the date of this publication.
Names of pre-qualified companies will be published on the Federal Polytechnic Nekede Notice Boards
Tender documents will be issued to pre-qualified companies on payment of non-refundable fee of N 100,000.00 (One hundred thousand naira) only. Payments should be in bank draft made payable to Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri.
Completed tender documents must be submitted not later than 7th May, 2013 successful pre-qualifled companies were published on the Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Notice Boards. The documents will be publicly opened on the last date of submission at 12.noon prompt in the Polytechnic Council Chambers.
LM, Augbe