A.) Introduction
The University of Calabar Teaching Hospital Calabar intends to execute the underlisted projects under the year 2013 Capital Appropriation of the Hospital as follows:
- Procurement of 2 fully equipped ambulances
- Provision of Additional Borehole with storage tank
- Construction of access Roads/ Covered drainage and Car park phase II
- Construction of visitors Car Park.
- Purchase and Installation of Digital X-ray Machine with accessories
B.) Tender Requirements
- Evidence of company registration with Corporate Affairs Commission
- Company Audited Account for the last 3 years (2010 2012)
- Tax Clearance Certificate for the last 3 years (2010 - 2012)
- VAT Certificate/Evidence of remittance to FIRS.
- Evidence of Pension and Social Security Contributions for Companies with 5 or more Permanent Staff.
- Evidence of Financial Capability/Banking support.
- Company Profile including curriculum vitae of key Personnel with evidence of their Registration with relevant professional Bodies.
- Equipment and Technical Capability of the company for submissions in respect of construction projects.
- Verifiable list of similar executed projects (Please. Attach copies of award letters for on-going projects and completion certificates for completed projects.
- Any other information that may enhance the chances of the company.
C.) Closing Date/Submission of Tender Document
Tenders documents to be evaluated (which must be in four (4) copies) should be submitted in separate sealed envelopes marked at the top left hand corner with the name of each project and addressed to:
The Chief Medic& Director
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital
P.M.B. 1278
To reach him on or before 12.00 Noon of Monday 17th June, 2013.
Late Submissions will not be considered under any circumstance.
D.) Public Opening of Submission
All Submissions received shall be publicly opened at 1.00pm on the closing date in the Board’s Room of the Hospital, Contractors should be ready to produce original copies of the documents forwarded for Technical Evaluation if requested.
E.) Processing Fee
Interested companies are to pay a non-refundable processing fee of Thirty Five Thousand Naira (N35,000.00) only. Payment should be made to UCTH Consultancy Account No: 046140100215 (Enterprise Bank).
F.) Important Information
- The University of Calabar Teaching Hospital reserves the right not to accept the lowest bidder.
- The responsive bidder must fall within plus/minus 5% of the project cost estimate.
- Technical Bids and Financial Bids are to be in separate envelopes. Only Technical Bids shall be opened on the Bids Opening Day, the date of Financial Bid opening will be communicated to successful bidders.