Invitation to Pre-Qualify For Selection as an Insurance Broker, Abuja

Posted by Ijeoma on Fri 29th Nov, 2013 -

Invitation to Pre-Qualify For Selection as an Insurance Broker, Abuja

Society for Family Health, Nigeria (SFH) is an indigenous non-governmental, non political and non-profit organization that supports the Nigerian Government’s efforts in public health interventions.
SFH activities focus on Child Health Family Planning, HIV & AIDS Maternal and Reproductive Health and Safe Water Systems. SFH headquarters in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja. Nigeria, with 16 field offices that cover the six geo-political zones of the country
The mission of SFH is to empower Nigerians; particularly the poor and vulnerable to lead healthier lives working with the public and private sector SFH utilizes social marketing and behaviour change communication to improve access to essential health information, services, products, and promote the adoption of healthy behaviours.

SFH invites reputable and competent organization to apply for Pre-qualification to be selected as an insurance broker for the under listed component:
  • Group Life Assurance (for all SFH staff).
  • Motor Vehicle Insurance
  • Third Party
  • Comprehensive
  • Fire and Special Perils (Asset, Inventory and HQ Building only)
  • Professional Indemnity
  • Marine Insurance
  • Theft, Burglary and House Breaking

SFH will coordinate funding and provide technical support to the organization that emerges as the insurance Broker.
The duration for this engagement will be for a fixed agreed period.

Objective of Service:
The objective of this request for proposal is to engage a reputable insurance broker that will assist SFH in optimizing its resources, preserving its assets and provide professional services on insurance brokerage for fixed assets and other risks.

Scope of Work
The scope of work for the insurance broker includes, but is not limited to the following:
  • Analyze SFH operations and provide SFH with professional advice on appropriate insurance cover for all of its insurable interests.
  • Ensure SFH interests are protected by providing information on insurance administrative procedures and products and directing SFH in the selection of the best insurance products.
  • Ensure cost effectiveness and savings on insurance premiums
  • Liaise between the insurance company (ies) and SFH for efficient administration of the Insurance policies.
  • Ensure prompt policy renewals
  • Claims management and facilitation of claims payment
  • Provide quarterly update on the insurance policy status.
  • Carry out any other assignment relating to the insurance cover given by SFH.

Closing date:
13th December, 2013
Time: 5:00pm

Prequalification requirements:
To be eligible for consideration interested companies must submit tender documentation that includes the following;
  • Original certified true copy by the Corporate Affairs Commission of the company’s Certificate of Registration
  • Evidence of registration with Nigerian Council of Registered Insurance Brokers (NGRIB)
  • Original Certified True Copy by NAICOM of the company’s current license to operate as an Insurance Broker or insurance Company (Underwriter).
  • Company’s published audited accounts for the years ended 2010, 2011 and
  • 2012
  • Certified true Copy by the FIRS of most current three years tax clearance certificates and. the current VAT registration,
  • A profile of Management Staff/Technical Staff of the company with their qualification and insurance working experience
  • Certificate at insurance in respect of professional indemnity cover
  • A statement of signed by the Company’s CEO of its staff strength and addresses/location
  • Evidence of compliance with the provisions of the Pension Reform Act 2004 as they relate to pensions-Pensions Registration and Group Life Insurance certificate to be included

Submission of Application:
The code PROC/IB/2013 should be boldly written on the top right corner of the Prequalification submission envelope.
This sealed envelope containing two hard copies of the submission should be forwarded to the address below:

Director Procurement
Society for Family Health
8. Port Harcourt Crescent
Area 11, Gerki, Abuja
P.M.B. 5116 Wuse, Abuja.

Please Note:
  • At this stage, a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ qualifier will be used to rate all the points above, and only companies with a ‘yes’ response against all the points above will be considered.
  • All costs incurred by bidders as a result of this process and any subsequent requests for information shall be borne by the bidding companies. Only companies that satisfy the Prequalification requirements will be contacted with Requests for Proposal (RFP) and Request for Quotes (RFQ).
  • This advertisement shall not be construed as a commitment on the part of SFH to appoint any broker nor shall it entitle any broker to claim any indemnity from SFH.


