Invitation to Pre-Qualify for 2000HP Land Drilling Rig Units for Year 2014-2016 Drilling Programs, Lagos

Posted by Ijeoma on Mon 02nd Dec, 2013 -

Seplat Petroleum Development Company limited (SEPLAT) operator of the NPDC/SEPLAT Joint Venture (JV) plans to en-gage the services of Two (2) 2000HP Land Drilling Rig units to drill at its onshore exploration, appraisal and production locations in its JV acreages. Anticipated contract term is for two (2) years with an additional option of one (1) year extension, Contract award is expected before the end of February 2014 with contract commencement date in March 2014.

Invitation to Pre-Qualify for 2000HP Land Drilling Rig Units for Year 2014-2016 Drilling Programs

  • Each Land Drilling Rig Unit must meet the following minimum rig specifications:
  • Documentation and equipment specifications demonstrating the onshore drilling unit(s) capability of drilling, completions and work- over
  • Minimum accommodation for 110 people on board, including 30 Company personnel
  • Documentation to demonstrate suitability for operating on onshore location with Design depth of 20,000ft, skidable
  • Documentation to demonstrate Onshore Drilling Unit availability to commence operations in Nigeria by March 1st, 2014
  • Minimum derrick capacity of 1,300,000 lbs. Derrick must be set up to handle both 5” and 5 ½” drill pipe
  • Three (3) triplex (or equivalent) mud pumps capable of simultaneous operation, 1,600 HP each, 5,000 psi minimum
  • BOP stack consisting of three (3)13-5/8” 10,000 psi rams, one (1) 5000 psi annular complete with control system
  • Equipped for zero discharge (NAF cuttings and deck drainage)
  • Draw-works rating 2000HP
  • Rig should be less than 3 years old.
  • Fluid storage capacity of more than 2,000 bbls
  • Top Drive System (TDS), Varco or OEM equivalent of: 500 Ton, 800 HF 45,000 ftlbs, continuous torque at minimum of 120 rpm
Closing date: 16th December, 2013
Time: 4:00pm

Bidders must provide the following documents which will be considered for participation in the tendering process:
  • Rig names and evidence of the aforementioned minimum rig specifications as itemized above.
  • Documentation of registration with the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) at the time of tendering
  • Documentation of Safety, Health, and Environmental Management System relevant to this service with safety statistics for the last three (3) years
  • Evidence of ownership or evidence of an agreement to manage and market an onshore drilling rig required at time of pre-qualifying.
  • Evidence of previous experience operating an onshore drilling rig Company profile
  • Evidence of capability to undertake financial exposure of not less than US$5 million (Five Million United States dollars) for each unit

Nigerian Content
Seplat Petroleum Development Company Limited a foremost indigenous Exploration and Production Company in Nigeria is committed to providing maximum opportunities for the development of the capabilities of Nigerian companies to provide goods and execute services in the Oil and Gas Industry at internationally competitive levels.

To achieve this objective, bidders will be required to meet the following Nigerian Content Development requirements:
  • Only Nigerian companies as defined under the NOGICD Act will be invited to bid or have their bids evaluated
  • Provide evidence of the percentage of the value of goods/services that will be of Nigerian origin to the total value of the goods/services under the contract
  • Provide evidence of the number and percentage of Nigerian citizens to the total number of the entire company staff
  • Provide evidence of the number and percentage of Nigerian citizens in management positions to the total number of persons in the management cadre of the company
  • Provide skills development plan for Nigerians in the company. Details should include the specific skills gap, value of the training, will it be held offshore or in country.
  • Provide physical evidence of facilities in Nigeria (offices, warehouse, equipment, materials, etc) or plans for them. More particularly provide details of ownership or lease of equipment to be utilized.
  • In the case of a joint venture between a Nigerian company and a non-Nigerian company, provide evidence of a duly signed agreement by the CEOs of the contracting parties which shall State roles and responsibilities of the parties. These must be developing the capability of the Nigerian company with a specified time or for such other times as may be reviewed by the parties in writing.
  • Provide any initiative to optimize Nigerian content development under this contract.
  • Bidders should note that the Nigerian Content Development plan may be made a term of the contract with Seplat and a breach shall be a ground for termination of the contract.

Interested companies shall make their submissions for each are drilling rig unit in separate packages (2 hard copies and 2 cds for each rig) clearly marked Pre-qualification for 2000HP Land Drilling Rigs.
All such submissions shall be addressed to:

The Bid Administrator,
Seplat Petroleum Development Company Limited
25A Lugard Avenue, Ikoyl, Lagos


