The Federal Government of Nigeria has received financing from the African Development Fund (ADF) towards the cost of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sub-programme in the State of Osun and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of eligible payments under the contract for the supply of Vehicles, Motorcycle, original Crash Helmet and Laboratory Chemicals. The Contract is No. OS/RUWESA/AfDB/G005/2014.
Invitation to Bid for the Rural Water and Development Sanitation Agency (RUWESA)
The State of Osun Rural Water and Environmental Sanitation Agency (RUWESA) hereby invites bids from eligible bidders for the supply of the under listed goods (Vehicle, Motorcycles, original Crash Helmets and Laboratory Chemicals) in accordance with the AfDB’s Rules and Procedure for the Procurement of Goods and Works. July, 2012 Edition
Lot 1
- Description of work: Vehicle; door pick-up, Height 1810, Length 5255, width 1835, Double Cabin, Engine: 2.7 Litre 4x4 Petrol, 16 Valve VN
- Quantity: 1 No
- Bid Security: Three Hundred Thousand Naira (300,000.00)
- Description of work: 14 Passengers Capacity Bus (5 doors 4WD, 2000cc, Gasoline (Patrol) Engine, 4 Cylinders, 16 Valves).
- Quantity: 1 No
- Bid Security: Three Hundred Thousand Naira (300,000.00)
Lot 2
- Description of work: Engine type-two stroke and air cooled
- Quantity: 66 Nos
- Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
- Description of work: Original Crash Helmet
- Quantity: 132 Nos
- Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
- Description of Item: Reagent Kit Total Chlorine
- Pack: 100 Tests
- Quantity: 2packs
- Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Reagent Kit Free Chlorine
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Reagent Kit Nitrate
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Reagent Kit Nitrite Low
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Reagent Kit Nitrite High
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Reagent Kit Phosphate High
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Reagent Kit Phosphate Low
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Reagent Kit Zinc
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Reagent Kit Aluminum
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Iron Reagent (High Range)
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Iron Reagent (Low Range)
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Sulphate Reagent (High Range)
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Sulphate Reagent (Low Range)
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Test Strip/Reagent Chloride
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Test Strip/Reagent Manganese
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Reagent Kit Bromine
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Reagent Kit Chromium Total
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Total Hardness Reagent
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Calcium Hardness Reagent
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Total Alkalinity (Alkpabot)
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Bacto H2S Test Kit
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Mercury Reagent
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Fluoride Reagent
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Erichromic Black T (Sigma)
Pack: 100g
Quantity: 2
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Murexide (Sigma)
Pack: 25g
Quantity: 2
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Silver Nitrate (Sigma)
Pack: 100g
Quantity: 1
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: K-F Streptococcus Agar Base
Pack: 500g
Quantity: 1
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Wagtech Arsenic Visual Testing Kit
Pack: 100Test
Quantity: 5 boxes
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Test Strip/Reagent Cyanide
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2 packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Lead Reagent
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2 packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: CONC HCL (Scharlau)
Pack: 2.5L
Quantity: 1
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: CONC HNO3 (Scharlau)
Pack: 1L
Quantity: 2
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: CONC H2SO4 (Scharlau)
Pack: 2.5L
Quantity: 1
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: High Testing Hypochlorite (HTH)
Pack: 50kg
Quantity: 2
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Nutrient Broth (OXOID)
Pack: 500g
Quantity: 2
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Brilliant Green Bile 2% Broth (OXOID)
Pack: 500g
Quantity: 2
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid Disodium Salt Dihydrate (Sigma)
Pack: 250g
Quantity: 1
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Sodium Sulphite Reagent
Pack: 100 Tests
Quantity: 2 packs
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Methylated Spirit
Pack: 2L
Quantity: 1
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Potassium Dichromate (K2CR2O7) (Sigma)
Pack: 100g
Quantity: 1
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Methyl Orange (Sigma)
Pack: 100g
Quantity: 1
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: EOSIN Methylene Blue (Sigma)
Pack: 10g
Quantity: 1
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Description of Item: Glacial Acetic Acid (Scharlau)
Pack: 2.5L
Quantity: 1
Bid Security: Two Hundred Thousand Naira (200,000.00)
Closing date: 6th February, 2014
Time: 12:00noon
Please note the Following:
- Interested bidders bidding for more loan one lot must submit separate bid security for each lot. Combining the bid security of the lots will render the bids non-responsive.
- Bidding will be conducted using National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the African Development Banks Rules and Procedures for the Procurement of’ Goods and Works. July 2012 Edition
- Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from:
The Programme Manager,
State of Osun Rural Water and Environmental Sanitation Agency (RUWESA),
Government Secretariat,
Gbongan Road,
Log on to: Or visit our web site
- A complete set at Bidding Documents in English Language which contains detailed specifications of the goods may be purchased by interested bidders upon payment of a non- refundable fee of NGN20,000.00 (Twenty Thousand Naira only) for each lot.
- Bids must be delivered to the State of Osun Tenders Board, Governors Office, Gbengan Road,Osogboon to the address below:
The Programme Manager,
State of Osun Rural Water and Environmental,
Sanitation Agency (RUWESA),
State of Osun New Secretariat, P.M.B 4466,
Osogbo, Nigeria
- And must be accompanied by the required bid security
- Electronic bidding will not be permitted.
- Late bids will be rejected.
- Bids will he opened in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to attend in person at the State of Osun Tenders Board, Governor’s Office, Gbangan Road, Osogboby 6th February, 2014 at 12:30 p.m.