Call for Application for the Evaluation of Mobile for Quality Improvement (M4QI) Pilot with Social Franchising Family Planning Providers in Nigeria, Abuja

Posted by Ijeoma on Tue 25th Feb, 2014 -

Made Slopes International Organization Nigeria (MSION) will conduct a Mobile for Quality Improvement (M4Q1) pilot with their social franchise (SF) network in Southern states of Nigeria. The locations of these facilities are miles apart making it difficult to assess the quality of services offered, and expensive to provide in person follow-up post training. All members of MSION’s social franchise network use mobile phones to conduct their business. MSION will randomize all franchisees into control and intervention groups, the intervention group will be briefed on M4QI and monitored. In addition to the routine in person supportive supervision provided to ‘all franchises, the intervention group facilities will also receive Short Message Service (SMS) for delivery as reminder and assessment messages, which will reinforce and measure knowledge obtained during the original SF training. When providers answer assessment questions via SMS they receive an automated reply indicating if their response is correct, and if not, what the correct answer is. All franchisees will participate in baseline and end line surveys to collect data on franchise provider’s knowledge around family planning (FP) skills, and a sample of both the control and intervention groups will be subject to mystery client surveys. The control group will not be exposed to the M4QI project. While the intervention group will receive an M4QI briefing and the SMS reinforcement during the intervention period; both groups will receive routine standard MSION support, which includes in person and remote support via basic phone follow-up. Differences in quality of counseling, clinical service delivery, and knowledge retention will be measured.

Call for Application for the Evaluation of Mobile for Quality Improvement (M4QI) Pilot with Social Franchising Family Planning Providers in Nigeria

Study Objectives
To determine if the addition of an M4QI component to the standard social franchise training, accreditation and support supervision process improves franchisee knowledge and performance: specifically:

  • Quality of FP counseling
  • Clinical service delivery
  • Knowledge retention

Scope of the Study
MSION will develop an M4Ql platform between January-March, 2014. Automatic SMS will be programmed into the system and sent to the intervention group from April to June 2014, with the objective of reinforcing knowledge learnt during the social franchise training with the use of assessments and refresher/reminder messages. These SMS will consist of indicators created from the MSION standard quality technical assurance (QTA) checklist in relevant thematic areas.
Indicators have been developed around two key areas-FP methods and clinical service delivery. For each key area, a number of more specific topics have been outlined, two for knowledge of FP methods, and four for clinical service delivery. Each of these topics has four messages developed, including two reinforcing tips/reminders and two assessment questions to assess recall of knowledge.
When referring to ‘franchisee’ the unit of analysis is the individual private providers within sack franchise. In some cases this is the owner/operator of the private health facility, is sorts cases ills a health service provider who is an employee.
The evaluation will consist of a baseline and end line survey will both the control and intervention groups, as well as baseline and end line mystery client surveys.
The research protocol was developed by MSION and Marie Stops International (MSI), and has been reviewed by an international and local ethics review committees. The research agency will be responsible for coordinating all aspects of data collection, data entry and cleaning, including recruitment and supervision of the field research team. Upon selection of the research agency, the full research protocol will be shared.

Expected Output
The research agency will be required to:

  • Recruit a research team of individuals for data collection at the selected social franchises, including enumerators/research assistants and supervisors
  • Recruit a team of data entrants/supervisors to enter all data, and perform quality control checks and data management
  • Coordinate training of research team, in collaboration with MSION
  • MSION will provide training schedule, presentations/materials on overall study objectives and protocol, and clinical training materials
  • Research agency will be required to coordinate training, including venue hire and all logistics
  • Deploy and supervise research teams including monitoring and evaluation and data quality assurance, this includes coordination of all data collection logistics, including transportation for the teams
  • Provide weekly reporting to MSION
  • Submit a cleaned data set, all data collection forms, and a final draft study report within three weeks of completion of the study.

Lead Agency Selection Criteria
The research agency will be required to demonstrate:

  • Good technical understanding of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) Issues, experience in family planning and clinical research is an added advantage.
  • At least 6 years’ experience conducting research particularly clinical in the field of SRH including 3-5 pest performance reports of conducting similar activities.
  • Proven track record of delivering results on time (references will be checked),
  • Clear proposal on the most appropriate way to implement the study, including detailed work plan and budget (max budget ceiling of an equivalent of $30,000 USD);
  • Excellent writing and verbal communication skills;
  • Fluent written and spoken English;
  • Evidence of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) or other registration or affiliations
  • Profile of agency and list of key personnel and their resume

Study timeline
After selection of the research agency, it is anticipated the assignment will run for a maximum of 5 months (Note: Activity will not commerce until international and local ethics approval is finalized the activity implementation must be completed by end, June 2014. due to funding requirements, and final report finalized before end of July).

Activity: Submission of consultancy proposals and selection/contracting of consultant/consultancy firm

  • Timeframe: 2 weeks after closing deadline
  • Activity: Submission of inception report including data collection plan
  • Timeframe: 1 week after contracting
  • Activity: Training of research team
  • Timeframe: Late March
  • Activity: Baseline Data Collection
  • Timeframe: Late March
  • Activity: Submission of final cleaned data set, hard copies of all forms and & Baseline report
  • Timeframe: 3 weeks after data collection ends
  • Activity: Revision of draft report based on feedback from MSION and MSI
  • Timeframe: 1 week
  • Activity: Daily report from data collection
  • Timeframe: Continuous
  • Activity: End line data collection
  • Timeframe: Late June
  • Activity: Submission of final cleaned data set, hard copies of all forms and draft end line report (includes baseline analysis comparison)
  • Timeframe: 3 weeks after data collection ends
  • Activity: Revision of draft report based on feedback from MSION and MSI
  • Timeframe: 1 week

Consultancy Proposals
The selection will be undertaken as part of a blind tender process. Interested research agencies should follow the following procedures. Proposals will be evaluated based on technical components (60%) end financial components (20%). Interested research agencies may contact MSION for additional information to be included in the proposal, as needed.

  • Send a signed letter of Expression of Interest (EOI) containing the names, mailing addresses, telephone number and other relevant information of key personnel.
  • A consultancy proposal detailing the agency/consultant’s experience relevant to the assignment, suggested approach to the assignment considering the description of the assignment in this ToR, timeframe for completion and key personnel to be involved in study. (For additional information regarding methodology please contact MSION)
  • A budget, provided in a sealed, separate envelope showing consultancy rates, field Work costs, etc;
  • Submit hard and soft copies of the technical and hard copy of the financial proposal (hard copy only).

Method of Application:
Interested Research Agency are requested to submit a suitability statement: stating how they meet the above requirements, confirmation of availability for the period, detailed proposals (technical and financial) and supporting documents in both hard and soft copies.

CD ROM and hard copies should be delivered to:
Administration and Procurement Unit
Marie Slopes International Organization Nigeria IMSION)
Kikuyu Close off Nairobi Street.
Off Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse 2,
Abuja Nigeria
Phone: 07098200537
Soft copies should be sent to the email listed below:

Closing date: 7th March, 2014


  • Applications must be received on or before closing date of this publication.




