The Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu plans to execute the projects below under its year 2014 Capital projects allocation.
- 5 No. Utility Vehicles
- Completion of Campus Roads and Drainages
- Rehabilitation of old Rectory block
Interested and competent contractors and suppliers with required experience are requested o submit pre-qualification documents arranged in the following order for consideration.
- Evidence of registration and incorporation of company by corporate affairs commission (CAC).
- Company Income Tax certificate for the last three (3) years (CITC).
- Evidence of registration with the Polytechnic and or the Federal Ministry of Woks in the relevance category (FMW).
- Company Audited Accounts forthe last three (3) years (CAA).
- List of key staff with evidence of proficiency and experience.
- Evidence of Financial Capacity and Banking support.
- Verifiable list of similar works successfully completed in the last three (3) years with names of clients evidence of award and completion
- Equipment and technology capacity.
- Vat registration and evidence of Vat remittance.
- Evidence of registration with PENCOM.
- Evidence of registration with Industrial Training Fund (ITF)
- Evidence of community and social responsibility (CSR).
You will be required to purchase bid documents from the Bursary department on payment of a non-refundable fee of N40, 000.00 to be duly completed and submitted together with the pre-qualification documents.
Closing Date:
21st July 2014
Method of Application:
All documents are to be submitted to the office of the Registrar in a sealed envelope stating (YEAR 2014 CAPITAL PROJECTS and the lot for which interest is being signified).
All submissions will be opened at 12:00pm on the closing date in the council chamber of the Polytechnic and all applicants and members of the public are invited to attend.
Please note that:
This is not an invitation to tender, full tendering process shall be applied to firms that have been pre-qualified, shortlisted and found capable of delivery.
The Polytechnic will not go into correspondence with any avnlicant on account of unsuccessful submission.