Nigerian Content Development:
Pursuant to NNPC and Federal Government policy to provide opportunities for Nigerian contractors and the development of local expertise, all the applicants must comply fully with the NOGICD Act to give preference to Nigerian companies or foreign companies with Nigerian affiliate and local ownership, which demonstrate willingness to execute the project to the satisfaction of the Nigerian Content requirements and guidelines. Each applicant is enjoined to avail themselves of the requirements of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development (NOGICD) Act for full compliance.
Invitation To Pre-Qualify Interested Contractors / Companies For The Rehabilitation Of Benoni Hospital Complex, Benoni Road, Benin City Edo State,
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) is committed to fully comply with the requirements of the NOGICD Act. In maximizing the local content of this project, pre-qualifiers are requested to give full details of their strategy for the local content implementation in order to comply fully with the law.
Specifically the Contractor shall:
- Ensure that 50% of the equipment deployed for execution of the work is owned by Nigerian Company or Nigerian Subsidiary with clear and documented evidence of ownership.
- Provide full details of company profile and ownership, “Form C02” and “Form CO7” of the Corporate Affairs Commission.
- Provide Evidence of registration into the NOGICD Joint Qualification System (NOGIC JQS).
- Provide detailed Company Organogram, list of proposed workforce and CVs of all staff from intermediate level and above.
- Provide evidence that the company is COREN registered.
- Provide, statement of the name and location of the Nigerian Bank and any other financial institution engaged (this should also include the responsibility and scope of engagement with the Nigerian financial institution).
- Provide verifiable information on name and location of Nigerian Legal service providers.
- Provide verifiable information on name and location of Nigerian Insurance service providers.
- Furnish company NC policy/strategy.
- Demonstrate awareness of legislative & regulatory provisions as it concerns Nigerian content.
- Provide details of companys Nigerian Content manager (If any) with appropriate experience, qualifications clear responsibilities & targets.
- Make commitment to transfer technology, employment generation and competence development.
- Provide evidence of an understanding of the local business environment & existing relationships with Nigerian enterprises & suppliers.
- Provide evidence of success in nurturing Nigerian Content on previous projects.
- Make available existing initiatives to develop Nigerian affiliates (For companies not resident in Nigeria).
- Provide evidence of an existing/established presence in Nigeria or plans to establish a presence.
- Provide location(s) of Project Management team andProcurement centre for the subject project
- Identify Nigerian scope of work as a percentage of the total work scope.
- Provide project specific Human capacity development training execution plans for Nigerians.
Closing Date:
27th August 2014
Submission of Pre-qualification Package
The requested information and any supporting documents in respect of these requirements should be submitted in one original plus three duplicate hard copies and two electronic copies (CD ROM). The documents shall be in single package, sealed and marked:
“Prequalification For The Rehabilitation Of Benoni Hospital Complex, Benin City”
The sealed package should be addressed to:
The Secretary,
E &T Tenders Board,
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation,
NNPC Towers, Block D, First (1st) Floor, Room 99,
Central Business District,
To reach the above not later than
15:30 hours on or before 27th August 2014.
Incorrectly addressed or labelled submissions, and those received after the specified date and time shall be rejected. In all correspondence, please quote the title shown above.
Important Information
It must be noted that:
- Your company shall provide NNPC with a letter of Authority to verify all claims made in your submissions.
- For Joint Ventures or Partnerships, the previous experience being claimed may include those executed by the Joint Venture or Partnership where applicable, as well as the individual relevant experiences, provided the Joint Venture or Partnership Agreement/Memorandum plus the Power of Attorney linking the companies is submitted.
- Please note that this is not an Invitation To Tender. Only Companies adjudged qualified by NNPC under this prequalification procedure shall be invited to participate in the competitive tender.
- NNPC reserves the absolute discretion and right to either accept or reject any documents and it shall not be required to assign a reason for refusal to invite your company to participate in the bidding exercise or to enter any correspondence concerning the selection of any contractor for the services.
- All costs incurred by your company as a result of this prequalification exercise and any subsequent request for information shall be to your account.
- Disclaimer: This advertisement of “invitation to prequalify” shall not be construed as a commitment on the part of NNPC, nor shall it entitle companies to make claims whatsoever and/or seek any indemnity from NNPC and/or any of its partners by virtue of such companies having responded to this advertisement.