Request for Expression of Interest for Media Consultancy Service at Accident Investigation Bureau (Aib)

Posted by Ugochukwu on Mon 28th Jul, 2014 -

The Accident Investigation Bureau (MB) is the Agency charged with the responsibility of Investigating Air accidents which occur within the Nigerian airspace and elsewhere that Nigeria’s interest is affected.
In order to effectively and efficiently carry out its functions, the Bureau intends to utilize part of its 2014 Internally Generated Revenue budget to fund the procurement of Media Consultancy Service for the Bureau.
In line with the above and in compliance with the Public Procurement Act, 2007, the Bureau wishes to invite qualified and experienced Consultants to submit Expression of Interest for the provision of the media consultancy service.

Request for Expression of Interest for Media Consultancy Service at Accident Investigation Bureau (Aib) 

Description of Work.

The job for the media consultancy service involves the provision of public awareness for the AIB brand/ effective and efficient monitoring and managing of how issues affecting the Bureau are disseminated by the print, radio/TV media to stakeholders and the general public.

Qualification of Consultants.

The Media consultancy firm must have experience in handling aviation industry issues and related matters as well as a sound relationship with TV, Radio and the Print media.

Other Requirements.

Interested and qualified Consultants should submit the following documents:
  1. Evidence of registration and updated status with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
  2. Copies of Certified true copy of memorandum and articles of association with C02 & Co7.
  3. Evidence of remittance of Withholding Tax for the last three (3) years/current Tax clearance certificates where applicable.
  4. Value added Tax Registration Certificates with PIN/Past three (3) years remittances.
  5. Company profile including the full address, E-mail and telephone numbers of the company and professional experience of the consultant and key staff including their CV’s.
  6. Name and address of banker(s) including a letter of reference from the bank.
  7. Evidence of involvement/experience in the job or similar jobs.
  8. Audited financial statements of the firm for the past three (3) years.
  9. An affidavit confirming the authenticity and genuineness of the documents submitted.
  10. Interested firms must show evidence of compliance with the:
  • the pensions Act 2004.
  • Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria requirements.
  • Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Act.
Closing Date:
11th August 2014

Submission of Expression of Interests.

Interested consultants shall submit their interest and the above documents. The submission shall be made in one soft copy (flash drive) and two hard copies sealed in an envelope with the name of the job clearly written on the envelope and submitted to:

The Secretary,
Tenders Board,
Accident Investigation Bureau,
PMB. 016,
Murtala Mohammed Int’l Airport,
Ikeja, Lagos.


Consultants shall be shortlisted based on their qualification/experience and other criteria as listed above.

Important Information.
  • The Accident Investigation Bureau (AIB) reserves the right to:
(i) verify the authenticity of any claims made on the documents submitted by the companies.
(ii) verify the companys address/location.
  • Failure to comply strictly with the instructions above and to provide any required documents may result in the disqualification of the consultant.
  • Original documents listed in item c above must be produced for sighting.
  • Expression of Interest submitted after the closing date and time shall be rejected.
  • Interested firms are to note that the Accident Investigation Bureau shall not be held liable for the expenses incurred by them on their submission and that the Bureau shall short list only firms whose submissions are considered to be responsive to the requirements of the Bureau.


