The Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, as part of the implementation of its work plan intend to engage Consultancy Firm to carry out Consultancy Services.
Request for Expression of Interest for the Consultancy Service for 2014 ICT Projects at the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology
Scope of Works:
The Scope of the assignment is as follows:
Lot No Project Descriptions
Lot 1: Information Technology Consulting
- Consultancy Services for 2014 ICT Projects;
- Bridging the Skill Gap in ICT Staff by Building Capacity in System Management and usage.
Eligibility Criteria:
Interested and competent contractors should submit the following documents along with their tenders in a separate envelope properly addressed and enclosed in a large envelope together with the tender:
- Detailed company profile;
- Evidence of Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) by inclusion of Certificate of incorporation/Business Name,
- Evidence of VAT Registration with TIN number;
- Evidence of current Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three years (2011, 2012, and 2013),
- Evidence of compliance with Pension Reform Act, 2004 by inclusion of compliance Certificate from National Pension Commission;
- Evidence of compliance with Industrial Training Amendment Act, 2011 by inclusion of compliance Certificate from Industrial Training Fund;
- Evidence of Registration with relevant Professional Regulatory Bodies/Association e.g ITAN, CPN, NCS etc for lots iii, vi and viii;
- Evidence of Registration with Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (if required) and other Necessary Requirements;
- Possession of experience as a Contractor at least three (3) Project of similar nature and complexity with verifiable letters of contract Award and Job completion certificate within the last three years.
- Possession of adequate qualified personnel to perform the obligations of the procurement contract.
- Possession of evidence of ability to provide manufacturers warrantees for durability of goods.
Sworn Affidavit:
- That the company is not being in receivership or subject of any form of insolvency; bankruptcy proceedings or the subject of any form of winding up petition or proceedings;
- Disclosing whether or not any officer of the relevant committees of the Procurement or BPP is a former or present director, shareholders or has any pecuniary interest in the bidder;
- Of not having any director who has been convicted in any country for any criminal offence; and
- Confirming that all information presented in its bid are true and correct in all particulars.
Method of Collection and Submission of Tenders:
Tender documents with detailed specifications are to be collected from the Procurement Department upon the presentation of non-refundable Tender fee of
N5 00000 (Five thousand) Naira payable to Federal Ministry of Science and Technology Abuja
Account No 1750013860 at Skye Bank Plc.
Closing Date:
8th September 2014
Completed Tender document should be submitted in two (2) hard copies and one (1) Soft copy of both Technical and Financial bid and shall be packaged separately in two different envelops sealed and clearly labeled
“Technical Bid” and
“Financial Bid” respectively, with company’s name indicated at the back of the envelops. Both envelops should be placed in Third envelop marked with the Name and Lot No, of item “at the top right corner and the company’s name indicated at the back of the envelope and addressed to the:
Deputy Director Procurement Department,
Federal Ministry of Science and Technology;
Room 609,6th Floor Block D,
Federal Secretariat Phase II, Bullet House,
Shehu Shagari Way, Abuja,
and deposit same in the tender box in the Deputy Director Procurements Office on or before 12 noon of the closing date.
Opening Of Tender:
The Tenders will be opened IMMEDIATELY after closing by 12 noon Monday 8th September, 2014 at the Prof. O.A, Afolabi (ICT) Resource Centre, 2nd Floor Block “D” Federal Secretariat Phase II. Representatives of the relevant Professional Bodies, NGOs, Civil Society Organizations and Interested members of the General Public are hereby invited to witness the Bid Opening.
Note: The Ministry is not under any obligation to award any of the contracts and reserves the right to annul the selection process at anytime in the interest of the public without incurring any liability.