The Teachers Regstration Council of Nigeria (TRCN), an agency of the Federal Ministry of Education established to regulate and control teaching profession in all ramifications with Headquarters in Abuja, FCT, Nigeria wishes to invite reputable and competent bidders with proven experience to tender for the execution of the following projects under the 2014 Financial Year Capital Budget.
Invitation to Tender for 2014 Capital Projects at the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria, Abuja
Scope of Work
The scope of work therefore includes:
Lot 1: Validation and Production of Professional Qualifying Examination (PQE) Modules including public presentation.
Lot 2: Review and production of Teachers Code of Conduct and Teachers Investigating Panel (TIP) manual.
Lot 3: Organisation of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for teachers in Ebonyi and Niger States.
LOT 4: Construction of TRCN Headquarters Office Building, Abuja
Eligibility Criteria
Interested firms are to submit the following documents:
- Evidence of incorporation and registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
- Current Tax Clearance Certificate
- VAT registration certificate
- Two copies of Audited Accounts for the past three years which must bear the stamp and seal of the audit firm.
- Evidence of compliance with PENCOM Act 2004 (or exemption).
- Evidence of compliance with Industrial Training Fund (ITF) amendment Act 2012.
- Detailed Company profile, including evidence of technical competence, curriculum vitae of professional staff indicating their academic and professional certification.
- Evidence of similar contracts executed backed with verifiable letter of award and or certificate of job completion.
- Evidence of financial capability supported with letter of reference from a reputable Bank.
CollectIon of Tender Documents
Interested bidders should collect the documents from the office of:
Director, Planning Research and Statistics
Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria, Headquarters
12, Oda Crescent, Off Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse II, Abuja.
Upon presentation of evidence of payment of
N 10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Naira) only, being a non-refundable tender fee paid into
TRCN Account No. 1001807708 with United Bank for Africa Plc.
Closing Date:
12th September 2014
Submission of Tender Documents
The completed Technical and Financial Tender documents should be submitted in separate envelopes sealed and boldly marked accordingly at the far left corner indicating the LOT Number and Title.
All documents should reach the address below not later than 12:00 noon on the closing date. Late submission will be rejected.
The Registrar/Chief Executive
Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria
12, Oda Crescent, Off Aminu Kano Crescent,
Wuse II, Abuja.
Attention: The Secretary, Procurement Planning Committee
Bids Opening
Opening of bids will take place immediately (12:00noon) on Friday, 12th September 2014 at the conference room, Registrars block, Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria, 12, Oda Crescent, Off Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse II Abuja in the presence of all bidders. All bidders and/or their representatives and relevant professional bodies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are invited to witness the public exercise.
Important Notice
As this advert is for multiple bids, any envelope that does not carry the Lot of interest on the cover as indicated above shall not be accepted.
Any company that submits fake documents shall be disqualified outright and may be reported to the appropriate authority.
This advertisement shall not be construed as a commitment on the part of the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria nor shall it entitle any bidder submitting documents to claim any indemnity from the Council by virtue of such Company having responded to this publication.