Invitation For The Submission Of Expression Of Interest And Quotations For The Supply Of Vehicles To The Institute Of Management And Technology

Posted by Ugochukwu on Fri 01st Aug, 2014 -

Invitation For The Submission Of Expression Of Interest And Quotations For The Supply Of Vehicles To The Institute Of Management And Technology

The Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu requires the supply of vehicles to the Institute. Consequently, the Institute wishes to invite accredited dealers in Toyota vehicles, Hyundai vehicles and Water Tanker dealers, to submit Expression of Interest and Quotations for the supply of the following Vehicles;
  1. Toyota Avensis, Leather Seat, AT
  2. Toyota Corolla, Leather seat, AT
  3. Hyundai Sonata Elegance GLS 2.0 AT
  4. Hyundai Sonata Elite GLS 2.0 SE-AT
  5. Hyundai Sonata Elantra Elite GLS AT
  6. Mercedes Benz water tanker (10,000, litres)
Scope of Work
Provision of Vehicles listed above.

Mandatory (Without which companies will be disqualified)
  1. Evidence of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission.
  2. Certified true copy of Memorandum and Article of association.
  3. Evidence of payment of tax for the last three (3) years as at when due (such evidence should reflect the value of the projects undertaken by the Company in the last three (3) years).
  4. Certificate of compliance issued by the National Pension Commission as evidence of fulfilling employer’s obligation to employees with respect to pensions.
  5. Evidence of payment of training contributions to ITF (Industrial Training Fund).
  6. Evidence of Accreditation with the respective vehicle manufacturers.
Closing Date:
All submission must be received at the above Address on or before 16:00 hours on the 29th August 2014.


Submissions should be forwarded in a sealed waxed envelop boldly marked at the top left corner;
“Expression of interest and Quotation for the supply of……………… to the Institute of
Management and Technology, Enugu”

And addressed to:-

The Registrar,
Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu
P.M.B 1079

  • Corporate profile of the firm including CV of key personnel registered address, functional contact email address, GSM phone number(s), facsimile number(s).
  • Audited accounts in the last three (3) years dully stamped by licensed Auditors.


