The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) owns a fleet of aircraft which it intends to dispose of. These are:
- 3 nos. Dauphin Helicopters (5N-AQL. 5N-AQK, 5N-BAF);
- 3 nos. EC135 Helicopters (5N-BOE, 5N-BOF, 5N-BOG);
- 1 no. Aircraft (5N-NOC).
Tender Opportunity for the Purchase of NNPC Owned Six Nos. Helicopters and One Airport at the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)
Reason for the Sale
As part of its Transformation initiative and revision of operating philosophy, NNPC has adopted a new business strategy with respect to ownership, operation and maintenance of its fleet of aircraft. Based on the new strategy, NNPC hereby invites reputable individuals and companies to submit commercial offers for the purchase of these aircraft.
Aircraft Basic in Formation
DoM: 1982
Type: Helicopter
Model: AS365N
Registration: AQK
Seats Installed (Optional): 10(12)
Serial No: 6108
Age: 32
AFH/EFH: 9012:30
Landings: 23,673
DoM: 1983
Type: Helicopter
Model: AS365N
Registration: AQL
Seats Installed (Optional): 10(12)
Serial No: 6109
Age: 31
AFH/EFH: 13225:03
Landings: 33,354
DoM: 1991
Type: Helicopter
Model: AS365N2
Registration: BAF
Seats Installed (Optional): 10(11)
Serial No: 6430
Age: 23
AFH/EFH: 7601:56
Landings: 19,565
DoM: 2008
Type: Helicopter
Model: EC135T2+
Registration: BOE
Seats Installed (Optional): 5
Serial No: 0759
Age: 6
AFH/EFH: 425:33
Landings: 793
DoM: 2011
Type: Helicopter
Model: EC135T2+
Registration: BOF
Seats Installed (Optional): 5
Serial No: 0957
Age: 3
AFH/EFH: 331: 43
Landings: 349
DoM: 2011
Type: Helicopter
Model: EC135T2+
Registration: BOG
Seats Installed (Optional): 5
Serial No: 0969
Age: 3
AFH/EFH: 118: 46
Landings: 402
DoM: 1988
Type: Aircraft
Model: HS125
Registration: NPC
Seats Installed (Optional): 8
Serial No: 258109
Age: 26
AFH/EFH: 7,505
Landings: 7,822
Aircraft Detailed Technical Information
Interested bidders are expected to collect an information package containing technical details of each aircraft from the address stated below, upon presentation of a bank draft valued
Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira only (N250,000.00) written in favour of The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation.
Collection of Information Package
Information package is to be collected from:
The Secretary to GEC HQ Tender Board
Block D, 1 Floor, Room 107, NNPC Towers
Herbert Macaulay Way, Central Business District
Abuja, Nigeria.
Tel: +234946084908
Period of Collection of Information Package
Information package will be available for collection upon payment, anytime from the date of this advert until the bid closing date, between
10:00hrs to 16:00hrs
Inspection of Aircraft
Bidders will be granted access to inspect the aircraft upon presentation of receipt and information package.
Conditions of Sale
Detailed information on conditions of the sale is included in the information package.
Closing Date
4th October, 2014.
Submissions are to be made by courier in sealed envelope marked on the top right hand corner: “Bid for the Purchase of ................. (State aircraft type)” and submitted on or before
12:00.noon on the closing date and addressed to:
The Secretary to GEC HQ Tender Board
Block D, 1 Floor, Room 107, NNPC Towers
Herbert Macaulay Way, Central Business District
Abuja, Nigeria
Tel: +234946084908
Email :
- All costs incurred in inspection, preparing and submitting the purchase tender shall be at the tenderer’s account
- The final decision on the purchase of the aircraft is reserved by NNPC.