In line with the requirement for due process for award of contract for capital projects, the Osun State University Osogbo wishes to invite competent/qualified contractor to pre-qualify and tender for:
Invitation for Pre-Qualification and Tender Exercise of Contractor for Year 2013 Needs Assessment of Nigerian Public Universities Presidential Intervention Phase 1 at Osun State University
- Construction and furnishing of 500 Seater Twin Lecture Theatre at Osogbo Campus TETF/UNI/OSUN/NEEDS72O 13/01 - Osogbo
- Procurement of Library Furniture (ReadingTables, Chairs, Bookshelves) and equipment TETF/UNI/OSUN/NEEDS/20 13/014 -Ifetedo
- Construction of 300 Seater Capacity Lecture Hall for College TETF/UNI/OSUN/NEEDS/20 13/03 - lpetu-ljesa
- Construction of Joint Offices Complex at Osogbo Main Campus TETF/UNI/OSUN/NEEDS/20 13/03 - Osogbo
- Construction of Computer Based Test facility at Osogbo Main Campus TETF/UNI/OSUN/NEEDS/20 13/04 - Osogbo
- Procurement of 500 No. set of Computer Table and Chair for Computer Based Test - TETF/UNI/OSUN/NEEDS/20 13/05 - Osogbo
Pre-Qualiflcation Requirements
Interested Contractors are invited to submit the following Compulsory and Mandatory Documents:
- Evidence of Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
- Evidence of Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three (3) years ie. 2012-2013: of the company and the two Directors.
- Company Audited Account in the last three (3) years i.e. 2011-2013.
- Evidence of compliance with Part IV, Section 16 (6d) of the Public Procurement Act 2007 as it relates to Pension (Certificate or Exemption) from PENCOM;
- Evidence of compliance with section 6(ii) of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Amended Act 2011;
- Evidence of Registration for Value Added Tax
- List of verifiable Equipment Owned;
- Evidence of Technical and Professional Staff Strength with Academic and Professional Qualifications of Key Personnel available for the project
- Evidence of relevant verifiable experience on similar jobs in Nigeria over the last 5 years stating Location, Cost and Duration of execution with Letter of Award and Completion Certificate;
- Reference Letter from Banker and copies of current Bank Statement;
- Evidence of Payment of Tender’s Fee payment;
All the requirements are to be arranged in the ORDER above,
Verification Claims
Interested Contractors must note that Uniosun reserves the right to verify claims made in the Pre-qualification documents submitted by them.
Pre-Qualification and Tender’s Fee
Contractor is to pay a non-refundable processing fee of
N 10,000.00 for No, 2, 3 and 4
N5, 000.00 for No.6
N 30,000.00 for No. 1 and 5
The fee should be paid in Bank Draft and addressed to Osun State
University. Osogbo.
Closing Date:
6th October 2014
Submission of Documents
The two copies Pre-qualifications with all the required supporting documents should be neatly packaged, bound, and forwarded in sealed envelope and marked at the top left corner. For example:
“Pre-qualification for the Construction of Twin- Lecture Theatre”.
The two Copies of Tender’s Documents collected from Registrar’s office, Osun State University, Osogbo must be sealed in an envelope marked at the left corner.
The company submitting the pre-qualification and tender documents should write the Name, Mobile Phone number of Contact Person and the name of the firm at the bottom left corner of the four envelopes.
The pre-qualification and tender document must reach the University not later than
12.00 noon October 6th 2014.
The parcel should be addressed to:
The Registrar,
Osun State University,
Please Note that:
- The Pre-qualiflcation and Tender Documents will be opened immediately after 12.00noon on October 6th 2014 in the Senate Chamber of the University. All those who would have submitted their documents or their representative by the deadline are hereby invited to the meeting for opening of the Pre-qualification and Tender documents;
- Only the Tender documents of Pre-qualifled contractors will be opened;
- Contractors are expected to adhere strictly to all the instructions, as non-compliance may constitute aground for disqualification.