The Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity is the sole Ministry that is saddled with the major responsibility of the welfare of the human capacity that drives the economy, it is a catalyst in the process of employment generation with the mandate of creating the enabling environment for national growth. The Ministry hereby invites competent and reputable contractors/suppliers to bid for the supply, delivery of Tricycles, training of unemployed youthsand commissiohihg in IjebuOde/Odogbolu/ljebu North-East in ljebu Central Federal Constituency.
Invitation To Bid For Supply And Delivery Of Tricycle Andtraining For The Empowerment Of Unemployed Youths In Ijebuode/Odogbolu/Ijebu North-East In Ijebu Central/Federal Constituency At Federal Ministry Of Labour And Productivity
Description of Goods
Supply, Delivery of Tricycles, training of Unemployed youths and commissioning of the project.
Eligibility Requirements
Interested Companies should submit two copies of bound documents with specific chapters paginated, separated by divides and arranged in the order as listed below
- Certificate of Incorporation by Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC);
- Current Tax Clearance Certificate for the lastthree (3) years (2011,2012,2013)
- VAT Registration Certificate/Evidence of Remittances;
- Evidenceofcompliancewith Pensions reformAct 2004;
- Evidence of compliance with the provisions of Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Act 2011 asamended;
- Evidence of compliance with NSITF (1%) employees CompensationAct.
- Detailed Company profile, Organizational Structure; including names and Curriculum Vitae of Key Staff as well as their addresses and individual attestation of availability (for specialized, expertise and consultancy projects);
- 3-yearsAuditedAccountsforthelastyears(2011, 2012,2013);
- A sworn Affidavit that none of the Directors has been convicted in any court of law for any criminal offence;
- Evidence of financial strength and credit worthiness supported with a letter of reference from a reputable bank and bank statement for the last six (6) months’
- Forjoint venture, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) should be provided;
- Previous experience and verifiable list of similar jobs previously undertaken, including evidence of the projects such as letter of award, completion certificates, etc;
- Name, e-mail address and telephone numbers of contact person for the job.
Collection of Tender Documents
Eligible contractors and suppliers are to collect tender documents with details scope of works and specifications from the office of the Secretary of Ministerial Tenders Board (MTB), Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity, Federal Secretariat Complex, Phase 1, Third Floor, Room 4A, 345, Abuja upon presentation of evidence (original Receipt) for the payment of non-refundable tender fees of
N5, 000.00.
Closing Date:
29th September 2014
Submission of Tender Documents
Bids must be enclosed in two (2) separate envelopes clearly marked
“TECHNICAL BID” and “FINANCIAL BID” (One “ORIGINAL” and one “COPY”) both put in a bigger envelop clearly marked with the project title at the fight hand corner of the envelop and firmly secured with tamper proof seal and delivered in the tender box at the address below, not later than
12Noon of Monday, 29th September, 2014.
The Secretary,
MTB Secretariat,
Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity,
Federal Secretariat Complex, Phase 1,
Third Floor, Room 4A, 345,
Opening of Bid Documents
- The Technical bids will be publicly opened in the conference room of the Honourable Minister of Labour and Productivity, second floor, Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity, Federal Secretariat Complex, Phase 1, Abuja at 12:30p.m after the close of bids submission on Monday, 29th September, 2014;
- Contractors/suppliers or the representatives, interested member of the public, Civil Societies and relevant Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are invited to witness the opening of the “Technical Bids” as scheduled in (i) above;
- Only Technically qualified contractors/suppliers along with the releva stakeholders will be subsequently invited to witness the Opening of the “Financial Bids” documents.
Additional Information
- This advertisement should not be construed as a commitment nor shall it entitle any company to make any claim whatsoever and/or seek any indemnity from the Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity by virtue of such company having responded to this advertisement.
- Non-responsiveness to the Tender Requirements and the tender instructions could lead to outright disqualification.
- Late submission of Bids will be rejected and returned unopened to the contractors/suppliers.
- Any bid documents not signed will be rejected.