In line with Pubic Procurement Act 2007, the Federal Government College, Enugu under the 2014 Capital procurement Budget Implementation funds is desirous to execute capital projects at the college. The breakdown of work to be done is as follows:
Invitation to Tender for 2014 Capital Project at Federal Government College, Enugu
Scope of works
Lot 1: Purchase of water tanker
Lot 2: One no. Water Harvester- Boys’ Hostel
Lot 3: One no. Water Harvester- Girl’s Hostel
Lot 4: Rehabitiation/cornpialion of renovation of Dining Hall/furnishing of Drilling Hall
Lot 5: Construction of 2 blocks of 4 VlP Toilets and bathrooms.
Lot 6: Construction of 2 blocks of 4 VlP Toilets and bathrooms.
Interested Bidders must possess the following requirements to qualify to tender lor the above listed lots.
- Evidence of Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). Note; Company must be incorporated, not Business Name Registration;
- Evidence of compliance with PENCOM Act.
- Evidence of compliance with ITF Act.
- Evidence of Tax clearance certificate for the immediate last three years.
- Evidence of VAT payment.
- Evidence of TAX identification Number (TIN).
- Reference from bidder’s bank, including evidence as to the company’s financial capacity to undertake the project.
- Evidence of qualified technical & professional staff.
- Audited Accounts for the immediate last three years.
- Evidence of similar jobs done in the past
- Evidence of completion of similar jobs.
Tender Documents
Tender documents are obtainable from Principal’s office STB secretary’s office as from 01/091/14 on the presentation of an original receipt (and a photocopy) of a bank draft as non-refundable tender fee of
fifteen thousand naira (N15, 000.00) only per project payable to FGC, Enugu. Details are obtainable from the college Bursar’s office.
Closing of Submission
Submission of Tender Documents closes on
13th October 2014 at exactly 12.00 Noon.
Submission of Tender
- The complete Tender Documents must be submitted unconditionally is the following prescribed manner.
- The technical Bid Document (company profile) will be sealed in an envelope and boldly marked Tender Requirement for lot no./Description at the top right hand corner and with the name and phone number of the company boldly written at the back of the envelope;
- ‘The financial Bid Document (Bill of Quantities) as quoted by the Bidder) will be in a second envelope boldly marked; Financial Bid Document For lot no/Description at the left hand corner of the envelope addressed to The Principal FCC, Enugu below the top-left corner and with the name and current phone number of the company written at the back of the envelope.
The two (2) envelopes in (a) and (b) must be sealed in single large envelope and marked ‘Tender For Lot no/Description...’) at the top-left hand corner of the envelope, addressed to;
The Principal,
Federal Government College,
Enugu, Enugu State,
Opening of Bid Envelopes
- All Technical Bide (1 envelopes) received snd registered on or before 12.00 Noon on dead line day, will be opened on the same day at 1.00 p.m at the Auditorium B of the college while Tenders
- Finanoal Bids (2” envelopes) of pre-qualified Bidders, Who would have been notified would be opened on 13th October, 2014 at 12.00 at the same venue.