The Central Bank of’ Nigeria is desirous to undertake a prequalification and tender exercise for the supply and installation of records management equipment at its Records Centre.
Invitation for Prequalifiation and Tender for Supply and Installation of Records Management Equipment at the Records Centre, Central Bank of Nigeria
The scope of works to be undertaken inchaes but is not limited to:
- Supply and installation of Automatic Book Sanners.
- Supply and installation of Industrial Shredders.
- Electrical/Civil works.
Pre-Qualification and Tender
The CBN hereby invites reputable firms to participate in a competitive pre-qualification and tender process for the supply and installation of records management equipment at its Records Centre in line with the scope of works outlined above,
Pre-Qualification Criteria
- The firm/consortium must have similar verifiable experiences
- TIme firm/consortium should be able to deploy appropriate resources for the efficient delivery of the project.
- The firm/consortium should demonstrate the ability to setup a mechanism for close interaction with in-house personnel monitoring the project.
The company’s notice of intent shall the accompanied by the following:
Mandatory (without which companies will be disqualification)
- Evidence of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission
- Memorandum and Article of Association of the firm/consortium (where applicable;
- Current tax clearance certificate (evidence of payment of tax for the last three (3) years as and when due; and such evidence should reflect the value of the projects undertaken by the Company in the three [3] years)
- Certificate of compliance issued by the National Pension Commission as evidence of employer’s obligation to employees with repect to pensions.
- Evidence of payment of training contributions to Industrial Training Fund (ITF)
- Evidence of registration with Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRC).
- Company profile and evidence of relevant experience in similar facilities management services
- Verifiable reference list of clients for whom similar services were/are being executed giving scope, location and value.
- Company’s audited financial reports and funding information over the last three years
- Statement of the organization’s core technical competencies and skills available
- Details of key manpower resources available including names and short CV’s of key professional staff to be deployed.
- Name, position, phone number, facsimile number and web address of firm/consortium contact person.
The requested information should he arranged in the order shown above,
Tender Documents
Companies in addition to the pre’qualification submission should also collect tender documents froniThe Secretary. Major Contracts Tenders Conmmittee upon the payment of a tender fee of
N50,000.00 in certified bank draft.
Closing Date:
9th October 2014
Submission of Documents
Expressions of Interest must be submitted in both soft and hard copies sealed and marked:
“PrequaIification for supply and installation of records management equipment at CBN Records Centre, Garki”
Priced tender documents should be filled in ink and marked;
“Commercial Bid for supply and installation of records management equipment at CBN Records Centre, Garki" and all addressed to:
The Secretary.
Major Contracts Tenders Committee
2nd Floor, Wing C
CBN Head Office Complex,
Central Business District,
Abuja FCT Nigeria.
Fax No: 09-462-38239
Opening Date:
The prequalification and Technical proposal will be opened immediately after the closure on
October 9th 2014 at the 2nd Floor wing II, Procurement & Support Services Department, Central Bank of Nigeria, Abuja.
Important Notice
- Nothing in the advert shall be construed to be a commitment on the part of the CBN.
- Only successful pre-qualified costractors would be considered for consideration of commercial bids.