Request for Proposal for the Execution of Projets of the 2014 Budget
In compliance with the requirements: of Public Procurement Act 2007, The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) is hereby Requesting for Proposal from qualified and reputable firms with proven experience to undertake the following projects:
Lot No: Projects 2014
RP01: Compliance Framework and Implementation of Guidelines for Nigerian Content Development in ICT.
RP02: Stakeholder Reviews of Minimum Standards on It Infrastructure, IT in Public Utilities, Computer Assembly, Computer Products and IT in Building Construction
RP03: Implementation of Regulatory Guidelines on IT Uses in Schools
RP04: Development of Hologram and Machine Readable Barcode for IT Products Certification
RP05: Nitda Projects/Program Monitoring and Evaluation
RP06: Upgrade and Maintenance of Compedium of ICT Companies Portal
RP07: Countrywide ICT Sector Based Risk Analysis
RP08: Special Public Private Partnership (PPP) Television Program on Information Technology Development and Initiatives, and Possible Opportunities
RP09: Corporate Gift Items/Press Kits
RP10: Nigerian Immigration Recruitment Portal
RP011: Provision of Internet Bandwidth for Sustaining Existing RITC Sites
RP12: ICT Training and Youth Empowerment through ICT
RP13: Inspection and Monitoring of Training/Contructtion/RITC/Empowerment VIA.
Eligibility Criteria:
Interested Contractors are required to submit the following document
- Evidence of having structure that possesses both human: and material resources relevant to the Lot applying for as can be found in the SBD or BOQ.
- Experience in ICT Infrastructure deployment/Construction.
- Evidence of relevant technical experience with verifiable reference to similar projects deployed in Nigeria for the last three (3) years) and thevalue of such projects.
- Evidence of incorporation and/or registration with corporate Affairs Commission. Companies must enclose certified True Copies of Certificate of incorporation and form C07
- Submit Certified True Copies of Articles and Memorandum of Association of the. Company, which must show that the Company has ICT/Building related activities as part of its objectives
- Genuine Tax Clearance Certificate for the last Three (3) years (2012, 2013 and 2014).
- Certificate of Compliance issued by the National Pension Commission as the evidence of compliance with the Pension Reform Act 2004.
- Evidence of registration with ITF. in compliance with Section 6(2) of the lTFAmendment Act 2011.
- Evidence of registration with NITDAas a Contractor
- Provideverlfiable evidence of financial capacIty to execute the project supported with bank statements for the last Six months from a commercial bank with reference to the SBD.
- Company profile and organizational structure, including names and resume of key personnel and technical staff with addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
- Every submission must be accompanied with an affidavit that all information and documents submitted are true and correct.
Closing Date:
21st October 2014
Submission Instructions:
- All prospective bidders are required to collect SBD documents relating to the corresponding lot they intend to bid for from the Procurement Unit.
- All bids must adhere and comply with requirements stated in the SBD.
- All prospective bidders should submit both the Technical and Financial bids (printed and electronic copies in an editable format) in Separate envelops with the lot name, number, company name and address indicated.
- All bidders must fill the bid submission register after submitting their bids in the PROCUREMENT UNIT.
- All bids must be submitted not later than 21st OCTOBER, 2014 at 12noon.
All bids should be addressed to:
National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA),
No.28 Port-Harcourt Crescent, Off Gimbiya Street
Area 11, Garki, Abuja.
Bids Opening:
The Technical bid document shall be opened on
21st OCTOBER, 2014 at the Agency’s Conference room by 1 pm In line with Section 19(b) (i) & (ii) of the PPA 2007, all bidders or their representatives, relevant professional bodies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are invited to witness the opening exercise accordingly.
Please Note That:
- Submission after the date and time specified above will be rejected.
- This publication is for information only, and not to be construed as a commitment or obligation on the part of the management of NITDA.
- NITDA is not obliged to shortlist any company and reserve the right to annul the process at any time without liabilities on its part or proffering any reasons for the annulment.
All further enquiries should be directed the procurement Unit of NITDA.