Date: 22 September, 2014 Project ID: P-NG-E00-004
Loan No: 2100150025696 IFB No: OYOUWSSIP/2014/01
This Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for this project that appeared in UNDB online issue No.760 of 17 September, 2009 on-line and on the African Development Bank Group’s Internet Website.
The Federal Government of Nigeria has received financing from the African Development Fund in various currencies towards the cost of the Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project in Oyo State. It is intended that part of the proceeds of this loan will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for the Supply and installation of Fibre Optics Backbone Internet Facilities and MIS Hardware.
Invitation to Tender for the Provision of Urban water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project in Oyo State at the water Corporartion of Oyo State
The Water Corporation of Oyo State now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for
Lot 1: Supply and Installation of Fiber Optics Backbone internet Facility;
The Scope of the Supply for Lot 1 is as follows;
- Provision of Fiber Backbone Internet Bandwidth
- Provision of 1.8m C-Band VSAT Solution (Backup only)
- Provision and Installation of IP PBX Equipment
- Provision and Installation of 1 No, 10 KVA inverter with batteries and other accessories,
- Provision and Installation of 1 No. 10 KVAAVR;
- Provision and Installation of Servers, Routing Equipment and Local Area Network (Wired and Wireless)
- Distribution of electricity to all remote routers/switches from server room
Lot 2: Supply of MIS Hardware;
The Scope of the supply for Lot 2 is as follows;
- Supply of 15Nos. Laptop,
- Supply of 15 Nos. Desktop Computers complete with accessories.
- Supply of 23 Nos. LaserJet Printers;
- Supply of 3 Nos. Office Jet Printers,
- Supply of 1 No. Line Matrix Printer
- Supply of 7Nos. Scanners
- Supply of 2 Nos. Photocopier
- Supply of 10 Nos. Computer Tablet
- Supply of 10 Nos. Handheld GPS Device
- Supply of 10Nos. Digital Camera
All the items are to be delivered at the address stated below
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents at the office address below
A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the above and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of
NGN 20,000.00 or USD 150 or in a freely convertible currency. All payments must be made into the following account:
Account Name: Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project
Account Number: 0042001507
Bank: Union Bank of Nigeria Plc.
SORT Code: 032192342
The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of the African Development Bank Standard Bidding Document: Procurement of Goods or Procurement of Works.
Closing Date:
17th November 2014
Submission of Bids
Bids must be delivered to the office address below on or before
12:00pm on 17 November, 2014 and must be accompanied by a security of the amount below or equivalent in convertible currency. If bidding for the two lots, Bidders are requested to present a separate bid security for each lot. Presenting a single Bid security for more than one lot will render the bids non responsive
Lot 1 = NGN 2,200,000.00
Lot 2 NGN 1,000,000.00
Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at
2:00pm on 17th November, 2014 at the
Board Room, Water Corporation of Oyo State, State Secretariat, Ibadan, Nigeria
The Permanent Secretary,
Attention: Engr. G.M. Adesokun
Water Corperation of Oyo State,
State Secretariat,
Ibadan, Nigeria
P.M.B. 5339, Agodi Post Office,
Ibadan Nigeria
Tel: (+234) 8033911228.