Tender Ref: CHAI MNH/M&E 001
Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) is seeking expression of interest from reputable organisations with strong skills and experience in the conduct of surveys, to carry out a comprehensive facitty assessment in Kano, Kaduna and Katsina states, to determine health facility readiness to deliver maternal and Newborn health services.
Expression of Interest/ Invitation to Conduct Health Facility Assessment
Maternal and neonatal mortality rank among the most important of causes of avoidable deaths globally. About 99% of maternal deaths occur in developing countries with Nigeria being the second largest contributor behind India with a maternal mortality ratio of
576 per 100,000 live births. In order to achieve a reduction in maternal and neonatal death, it is essential to have facilities which have the capacity to provide maternal and newborn health services when needed.
The primary goal of this survey is to assess the capacity of selected primary and secondary health care facilities to take deliveries, manage obstetric and neonatal emergencies.
Scope of Work:
1. Determine readiness for the delivery of the following services
- Antenatal care and postnatal care
- Routine and emergency obstetric care Immunization
- Community delivery of services
2. Identity gaps in staffing, equipment and infrastructure for each facility assessed
Expression of Interest:
Consequently, CHAI is inviting organisations to express their interest in conducting the facility assessment. Interested organisations are required to submit their Expressions of interest (EOl) to
The EOI should:
- Be written on the letter head of the organisation.
- Highlight the profile of the interested organizational
- Show evidence of carrying out such work previously.
Expressions of interest received will be reviewed in line with CHAI’s values and principles and those which meet criteria for selection will be contacted,
Closing Date:
Only expressions of interest received within
2nd October 2014 will be considered.
Additional Information
- This advertisement shall not be construed as a form of commitment on the part of CHAI to award any contract to any company and or associated companies, subcontractors or agents.
- CHAI will communicate only with authorized officers of interested organizations and NOT through third parties or agents.