Invitation for Pre-Qualification of Contractors and Tender for the Year 2013 TETFund Special Intervention Projects at Osun State College of Technology

Posted by Ugochukwu on Mon 29th Sep, 2014 -

Following the approval of the Tertiary Education Trust Fund, Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke wishes to undertake pre-qualification of interested contractors/suppliers to tender for its year 2013 TETFund Special Intervention projects.

Invitation for Pre-Qualification of Contractors and Tender for the Year 2013 TETFund Special Intervention Projects 

Project Description

Lot I: Procurement of various .Mechatronics Training Equipment
Project Code No: OSCT/ESA-OKE/TETRINO/SP/13/01

Lot II:
Procurement of Civil Engineering Equipment
Project Code No: OSCT/ESA-OKE/TETFUND/SP/13/02

Lot III:
Procurement of Surveyingand Geo-inf ormatics Equipment
Project Code No: OSCF/ESk.OKE/TFTFUND/SP/ 13/03

Pre-Qualification Requirements

Interested and competent Contractors are invited to submit pre-qualification documents with verifiable evidence of the following:
  1. Evidence of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)
  2. Evidence of registration as contractor with Osun State College of Technology Esa. Oke in the appropriate category.
  3. Tax clearance certificate for three (3) years i.e 2011-2013
  4. A comprehensive company’s profile with Curriculum Vitae of Principal Officers
  5. Verifiable evidence of previous experience in similar jobs
  6. Evidence of VAT registration and past remittances
  7. Reference letter from a reputable bank stating that contractor/supplier has the financial ability to secure the requisite funding for the execution of the projects
  8. Evidence of payment of Osun State Capital Development Levy
  9. Evidence of compliance with the provision of the New Pension Scheme.
  10. Evidence of compliance with the provision of the industrial Training Fund Amendment Act 2011.
  11. Payment of non-refundable pre-qualification/ tender fee of fifty thousand naira (N50, 000.00) to the Bursary for Lot I, twenty-five thousand naira N25, 000.00 for Lot II and ten thousand naira (N10, 000.00) for Lot III.
  12. Evidence of registration with the Government of the State of Osun in the appropriate category.
  13. Evidence of the Company's three (3) years audited Account i.e. 2011 to 2013.
  14. A sworn Affidavit indicating that all documents submitted are genuine and verifiable.
Only contractors that have proven capacity, relevant and good records of accomplishments should respond as consideration of bids submitted would be based on satisfactory assessment of the pre-qualif ication documents.

Contractors/Suppliers with verifiable uncompleted/abandoned projects need not apply.

Collection of Pre-Qualification Form and Bid Documents

Pre-qualification and Tender forms will be available for collection between 8.00am and 4.00pm from Monday to Friday in the office of the Director (Works and Services Dept.) upon the payment of the appropriate non-refundable fee at the Bursary Department covering both Pre-qualification and Bid documents.
Interested contractors/Suppliers are advised to come with Flash Drive to copy the Bid documents that must be returned along with the Hard Copy at the time of submission.

Closing Date:

10th November 2014

Submission of Pre-Qualification/Bid Documents

All duly completed pre-qualification documents (in triplicate) should be spiral binded and submitted in sealed envelopes with LOT number at the top right hand and Ten (10) copies of bid documents must be serially numbeted, spirally bound and duly signed on each page. Completed bid documents should be in two separately sealed envelopes labeled “Technical” and “Financial” (2 envelope system) both put in a bigger envelope clearly marked “invitation to tender for 2013 TETFund Special Intervention” and addressed to:

The Bursar/Secretary, Tenders Committee
Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke

The documents should be hand delivered to the office of the Bursar on or 10th November 2014.

Verification of Claims in Pre-Qualification 
The Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke reserves the right to verify the authenticity of claims made in the pre-qualification documents submitted.

N.B: The College is not bound to pre-qualify any contractor. Failure to comply with any of the instructions above or to provide any of the listed documents will automatically lead to disqualification.  


