Invitation for Pre-Qualification and Notice of Tender for Tertiary Education TRUST FUND (TETFUND) Year 2013 Normal Intervention at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education

Posted by Ugochukwu on Wed 08th Oct, 2014 -

The Ignatius Ajuru University of Education invites reputable and competent companies/firms for Pre-qualification and tender for the here under listed (TETFUND) Intervention projects in the University.

Invitation for Prequalification and Notice of Tender for Tertiary Education TRUST FUND (TETFUND) Year 2013 Normal Intervention 

Lot 1:
Construction of one-storey classrooms/offices block for Faculty of Education.
Lot 2: Furnishing of the Classrooms in the Classrooms/Offices blocks for Faculty of Education.
Lot 3: Furnishing of the offices in the one-storey classrooms/offices block for Faculty of Education.

Pre-Qualification Requirements

The Prequalification requirement includes:
  1. Evidence of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission
  2. Evidence of registration with Ignatius Ajuru University of Education
  3. Tax Clearance Certificate 2007-2010
  4. Value Added Tax Certificate
  5. Company resume/profile include details of key officers and detail of Equipment owned
  6. Evidence of similar projects/jobs compIeted, location of the project
  7. Letter from Bank indicating financial capability
  8. Evidence of payment of Education Tax for current year 2013/2014.
Closing Date:
5th November 2014


All the required pre-qualification documents should be neatly bound and submitted with evidence of payment of non-refundable processing fee of Twenty Thousand (N 20,000.00.) only in Bank Draft in favour of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt to:

The Registrar
Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, P.M.B.5047
Rumuolumeni Port Harcourt.

Not later than 5th November 2014.

Only successfully prequalified bidders will be invited to participate in the competitive tendering on payment of a non-refundable fee of Twenty-Five Thousand Naira (N25, 000.) only. Tender documents and or items specifications are available at the office of the Acting Director of Works, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni Compus.

Please take note that full tendering procedure shall be provided only to companies/firms that have successfully prequalified as able to execute the said projects/jobs. 


