Invitation to Pre-Qualification for Needs - Assessment Special Presidential Intervention (Phase II) Projects in Ahmadu Bello University
Applications are heiby invited from reputable and interested Contractors with relevant cognate experience and good track record of performance for prequalification on NEEDS assessment special presidential Intervention (Phase II) Projects in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, The projects are grouped under the following underlisted headings:
- Construction and Furnishing of Classrooms, Staff Offices and Laboratories for Communications and Computer Engineering Departments/Extension to Department of Electrical Engineering
- Construction and Furnishing of Classrooms and Staff Offices for Faculty of Arts
- Rehabilitation and Furnishing of Academic Buildings
- Construction of Publictoilets in Academic Areas and Student Hostels
- External Works and Services for Veterinary Teaching Hospital Complex and Other Academic Areas
- Procurement of Studio Equipments for the Department of Mass Communication
- Procurement of Cisco-Managed Switches
Pre-Qualification Criteria:
The pre-qualification documents should include:
- Evidence of Compliance Certificate of Incorporation with Cooperate Affairs Commission (CAC)
- Company Current Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three (3) years (2011-2013).
- Company Audited Account for the last three years (2011-2013) certified by a chartered accountant/auditor.
- VAT registration and evidence of remittances in the last three years (2011-2013) to be attached.
- Evidence of Financial capability to execute the project. Bank reference and a letter of for the execution of the contract if eventually won.
- List of similar, verifiable and successfully executed projects or ongoing by the Company with letters of award and completion certificates, in the last four years 2010-2013 only. Letters of award and interim certificates of payment should be attached for projects that are ongoing.
- List of Managerial, key Technical and Administrative Staff of the Company which should include names, curriculum vitae and copies of certificates for each key staff.
- List of Equipment owned or on lease hold by the company relevant for smooth execution of the project. Evidence of ownership and pictures with company Logo is an added advantage.
- Current Pension Clearance Certificate from PENCOM.
- Evidence of compliance Certificate with Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Act No. 19 of 2011;
- Evidence of community social responsibility (if any) is now expunged.
- Original documents should be available for sighting on demand during or after the opening of prequalification documents.
Closing Date:
4th December 2014
Submission of Prequalification Documents
Prequalification documents should be bound in wax-sealed envelope with Prequalification as Contractor written at the top right hand corner and addressed to The
Registrar Ahmadu Bello University Zaria be hand delivered into the prequalification box in the Registrar’s office, 7th floor Senate Building not later than
12noon, 4th December, 2014.
Please note that only one set of prequalification documents is to be submitted.
Interested contractors who had earlier submitted and may wish to re-submit may do so. However, already submitted documents still stand valid.
Opening of Prequalification Documents
Prequalification documents will be opened on
Thursday 4th December, 2014 at 1:30pm at the ABU Samaru Zaria Assembly Hall near the Convocation Square. All interested members of the public especially intending contractors are hereby invited.
Please Note
- Submission of pre-qualiflcation document to ABU ZARIA is neither a commitment nor an obligation to award contract to any Contactor or his agent.
- Advertisement for Pre-qualification should not be construed as a commitment on the part of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria or shall it entitle any Contractor to make any claims whatsoever or seek any indemnity from ABU Zaria.
- Due diligence would be followed as all documents submitted would be verified. Past executed works, contractors’ offices, Plants and Equipment may be visited for verification. Any discrepancies found would summarily disqualify the Contractor.
- Original documents should be available for sighting on demand during or after the opening of pre-qualification documents.