The Central Bank of Nigeria hereby invites reputable service providers, with proven experience in software design and implementation and registered to do business in Nigeria to apply to pre-qualify and submit proposal for the development and deployment of the Trade Monitoring System to the Central Bank of Nigeria.
Invitation for Bid Proposal for the Development and Deployment of Trade Monitoring System (Electronic Forex Forms)
The scope of the service shall include but not limited to:
- Automate Forms NXP, ‘NCX and for commercial exports, non-commercial exports and payment for services, respectively
- Develop a solution that will enable seamless interface and sharing of information on trade among all stakeholder agencies
- Integrate solution with the Nigeria Single Window for Trade Portal
- The solution should provide visibility for all export trade transaction from the moment a customer registers his/her intention to export up to the time proceeds would be repatriated
- The solution should provide an end-to-end process for international payment for services
- E-Form M enhancements
- Complete internal process and controls for Forms ‘NCX’, NXP’, and ‘A’
- Generate reports
Prequalification Requirements
The bid proposal document will as a minimum address the following requirements:
- Evidence of Certificate of Incorporation and Registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)
- Comprehensive company profile including registered office, functional contact email address, GSM phone number(s) and facisimile number(s), Nigerian shareholding and details of any technical support relationships with foreign partners.
- Company general organizational structure and Curriculum vitae of principal officers stating qualifications, experiences and attaching copies of relevant certifications
- Evidence of Company Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three (3) years (2011, 2012 and 2013) as at when due.
- Provide Company’s last three (3) years certified audited account records duly stamped by a registered Accounting firm and current tax clearance certificate to tally with the audited accounts
- Evidence of financial capability/support from a Bank of a facility of up to N1, 000,000,000.00 (One Billion Naira)
- Details of relevant verifiable experience similar services and of similar characteristics that the company has undertaken in the last five (5) years including copies of award letters, confirmation of satisfactory service delivery. Reference of three (3) major clients that can be contacted for information and reference
- Provision for method of tracking goods in transit with respect to form NXP
- Current Pension Clearance Certificate from PENCOM.
- Evidence of Compliance Certificate with the provisions of Section 6(1) (3) of the amended Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Act No. 19 of 2011
- Evidence of registration with Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
Closing Date
All submissions must be received at the above address not later than
12:00 Noon on 4th December, 2014.
Interested companies are to submit their bids in a wax-sealed envelope boldly marked at the top left corner:
“Bid Proposal for the development and deployment of the Trade Monitoring System to the Central Bank of Nigeria” And addressed to:-
The Secretary,
Major Contracts Tenders Committee
2 Floor, Wing C
CBN Head Office Complex,
Central Business District,
Abuja, FCT Nigeria.
Fax No: 09-462-38239
Opening Date
The prequalification and Technical Proposal will be opened immediately, after close of submission of the bid on the
4th of December, 2014.
Important Notice
- Nothing in the advert, shall be construed to be a commitment on the part of the CBN
- Companies would be assessed solely based on their submissions
- Companies would be invited to witness the opening of the tenders
- The successful company would be notified formally, published and posted on the CBN website.