Invitation to Tender for the Provision of Bulk STM 1(155mbps) Internet Service to the Central Bank of Nigeria
This is to inform the General Public That the Central Bank of Nigeria Advertisement in Respect of the “Tender for the Provision of Bulk STM 1 (155mbps) Internet Service” Has Been Reviewed as Follows:
- The Tender Process Has Been Cancelled
- A new tender Process Has Commencedand the Notice is as Stated Below;
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is desirous to undertake the lease of Bulk STM 1 (155Mbps) Internet Service. Consequently, the Bank wishes to invite reputable and competent Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to tender for the provision of the required land based STM 1 (155Mbps) Internet Service.
Scope of Work:
TI e scope of the bid requested is to provide Bulk STM 1 (155Mbps) Internet Service to be shared in the three CBN offices shown below;
- CBN HQ, Abuja
- CBN Garki, Abuja
- CBN Lagos
General Requirements:
Interested and competent Service Providers wishing to provide the above service to the CBN must submit the following documents for verification:-
- Evidence of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)
- Evidence of payment of tax for the last three (3) years as at when due
- Comprehensive company profile including registered office, functional contact email address, GSM phone number(s) and facisimile number(s)
- Verifiable evidence of similar jobs successfully executed in the past
- Reference letter from a Bank stating the financial ability of the Vendor to carry out such project(s)
- Current company’s audited statement of accounts
- Evidence of registration with NCC and other relevant agencies to provide internet services in Nigeria
- Certificate of compliance issued by the National Pension Commission as evidence of employers obligation to employees with respect to Pensions
- Evidence of remittance of Training Contribution to the Industrial Training Funds (ITF).
- Evidence of registration with Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRC)
Specific Requirement:
- An evidence of operation as a submarine cable based Internet Service Provider in Nigeria
- Evidence of deployment of similar Internet Services to other clienteles
Collection of Bid Documents
Interested Service Providers who possess the above minimum requirements may collect the bidding documents on the payment of a non-refundable fee of
N20, 000.00 (Bank Draft in favour of Central Bank of Nigeria) from:
The Secretary,
Major Contracts Tenders Committee
2 Floor, Wing C
CBN Head Office Complex
Central Business District
Abuja, FCT Nigeria
Closing Date:
All submissions must be received at the below Office not later than
12:00Noon on 4th December, 2014.
Applications to tender for the procurement of the items which should be accompanied by the above listed documents should be forwarded in wax sealed envelope boldly marked at the top left corner;
“Provision of Bulk STM 1 (155Mbps) Internet Service for the Central Bank of Nigeria”
And addressed to:
The Secretary,
Major Contracts Tenders Committee
2nd Floor, Wing C
CBN Head Office Complex
Central Business District
Abuja, FCT Nigeria
Opening Date:
The prequalification and Technical Proposal will be opened immediately, after close of submission of the bid on the
4th of December, 2014 at the 2d Floor Wing D, Procurement & Support Services Department, Central Bank of Nigeria Head Office, Abuja.
Important Notice
- Nothing in the advert shall be construed to be a commitment on the part of the CBN
- The successful company (ies) will be notified formally, published and posted on the CBN website ( and Notice Boards in CBN Locations.