United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) Nigeria Country Office is seeking interested Service Providers to become prequalified in relation to upcoming Request for Proposals (RFPs) for Development & Technical Support for Mobile Device based Applications for Nutrition Programme.
Expression of Interest for Development & Technical Support for Mobile Device based Applications for Nutrition Programme at the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF)
The system of regular data collection provides the opportunity to develop in-country expertise, continually refine methods and improve data quality. It is critical to note that repeated nutrition surveys have helped to strengthen capacity in country and more importantly, consensus among partners on the nutrition situation and appropriate responses.
We are seeking qualified Service Providers for:
- Development of RapidPRO compatible SAM Reports application, provide support for rapid scale up and on- the-job trainings to ensure full utilization and functionality of program and stocks management support.
- Development of nutrition survey data entry form on mobile devices with integration to data quality dashboard for review of key indicators during training and data collection.
- Development and technical support for monitoring tools collecting data from mobile devices on planning, stocking and reporting on the integrated management of acute malnutrition (IMAM), micronutrient programming. Maternal and New Born Child Health Weeks (MNCHWs) and Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF).
Major Tasks
Scale-Up of SAM Reports in Northern Nigeria
Launch updated SAM Reports on RapidPRO platform
Plan and coordinate preparations for trainings.
Implement National Scale-up of SAM Reports through trainings.
Ensure buy-in and sustainability of SAM Reports through on the job training.
Other SAM Reports programing tasks.
Nutrition Survey with SMART Methods
Data collection on mobile devices
Application for Mobile Devices
Internet based dashboard and Related materials
Nutrition programme monitoring using 3G mobile devices
IMAM programme monitoring using tablets
MNCHW programme monitoring using tablets
- Institutions with 5 years of existence and minimum of 2years of experience in similar services and contracts.
- Experts knowledgeable of at least one object oriented backed programming language Python preferred
- Expert Developer with at least 2 years of experience developing software.
- Expert knowledge in a) Mobile & Telephony (SMS gateways, kannet or others) b) Mobile Health; c) Technology for Development/Developing for the developing world d) open source development
- Expertise in: a) Django or Cheetah/Camping/Rails frameworks; Lightweight apps for interacting with SMS and Other data sources: c) Mapping (open street maps, googlemaps api/openlayers); d) source code management/Version Control Systems (Git- GitHub)
- Languages: Python, Diango, Ruby, Javascript, Kivy; MySQL ipostgres); XI-ITML end CSS: XML
- Platforms: Linux; Apache: Windows
Closing Date:
31st October 2014
Submission of Expression of Interest (EOl)
Interested service providers are required to complete and submit the Supply Profile Form (SPF), which can be downloaded from
www.unicef.org/nigeria/about_3841.html; www.ungm.org or obtained by sending an enquiry to
ngrsuppIy@unicef.org. Supporting documents as indicated in the SPF shall be submitted to meet the mandatory requirements for prequalification.
EOls should be submitted to:
ngrsupply@unicef.org, not later than 31st October 2014, 12Noon. Please quote
"EOI Abuja/2014/013 NTR” as subject in your correspondence.
This EOI does not constitute a solicitation and no bids or proposals are required at this stage; Response to this EOI does not automatically ensure that you will be selected to participate in the tender. UNICEF reserves the right to change or cancel the requirement at any time during the EOI end/or solicitation process. UNICEF also reserves the right to require compliance with additional conditions as and when issuing the final tender document.