The Federal Ministry of Information wishes to request for tender from interested, competent and reputable Consultant/Contractors for the Procurement of the underlisted works, goods and services for Sure P/FMI Projects throughout year 2014.
Request for Tender for the Procurement of the execution of some works, goods and services for Sure P/FMI Projects throughout year 2014
Details of Projects
Lot 1: Television Jingles On:
- SURE P Railways Programme
- SURE P Roads and Bridges Programme
- SURE P Niger Delta East-West Road Programme
- SURE P Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Programme
- SURE P MassTransit Programme
- SURE P Public Works Programme
- SURE P Vocational Educational Training (VET) Programme
- SURE P Community Services, Women and Youth Empowerment Programme
- SURE P Graduate Internship Scheme (GIS) Programme
- SURE P Culture and Tourism Programme
- SURE P FCT Light and Rail Project
- SURE P Polio Programme
- SURE P HIV/AIDS Programme
- SURE P FCT Satellite Town Development and Light Rail Programme
Lot 2: Television Documentries/Series On:
- SURE P Railways Programme
- SURE P Roads and Bridges Programme
- SURE P Niger Delta East-West Road Programme
- SURE P Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Programme
- SURE P Mass Transit Programme
- SURE P Public Works Programme
- SURE P Vocational Educational Training (VET) Programme
- SURE P Community Services, Women and Youth Empowerment Programme
- SURE P Graduate Internship Scheme (GIS) Programme
- SURE P Culture and Tourism Programme
- SURE P FCT Light and Rail Project
- SURE P Polio Programme
- SURE P FCT Satellite Town Development and Light Rail Programme
Lot 3: Radio Jingles On:
- SURE P Railways Programme
- SURE P Roads and Bridges Programme
- SURE P NigerDelta East- West Road Programme
- SURE P Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Programme
- SURE P Mass Transit Programme
- SURE P Public Works Programme
- SURE P Vocational Educational Training (VET) Programme
- SURE P Community Services, Women and Youth Empowerment Programme
- SURE P Graduate Internship Scheme (GIS) Programme
- SURE P Culture and Tourism Programme
- SURE P FCT Light and Rail Project
- SURE P Polio Programme
- SURE P HlV/AIDSPrograrnme
- SURE P FCT Satellite Town Development and Light Rail Programme
Lot 4: Audio Documentries/Series:
- SURE P Railways Programme
- SURE P Roads and Bridges Programme
- SURE P Niger Delta East-WestRoad Programme
- SURE P Maternal and Child Health (MCH)Programme
- SURE P MassTransit Programme
- SURE P Public Works Programme
- SURE P Vocational Educational Training (VET) Programme
- SURE P Community Services, Women and Youth Empowerment Programme
- SURE P Graduate Internship Scheme (GIS) Programme
- SURE P CultureandTourism Programme
- SURE P FCT Light and Rail Project
- SURE P Polio Programme
- SURE P HIV/AIDS Programme
- SURE P FCT Satellite Town Development and Light Rail Programme
Lot 5: Billboards On:
- SURE P Railways Programme
- SURE P Roads and Bridges Programme
- SURE P Niger Delta East- West Road Programme
- SURE P Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Programme
- SURE P MassTransit Programme
- SURE P Public Works Programme
- SURE P Vocational Educational Training (VET) Programme
- SURE P Community Services, Women and Youth Empowerment Programme
- SURE P Graduate Internship Scheme (GIS) Programme
- SURE P Culture and Tourism Programme
- SURE P FCT Light and Rail Project
- SURE P Polio Programme
- SURE P HIV/AIDS Programme
- SURE P FCT Satellite Town Development and Light Rail Programme
Lot 6: Printing Of Sectoral Brochure On:
- SURE P Railways Programme
- SURE P Roads and Bridges Programme
- SURE P Niger Delta East-West Road Programme
- SURE P Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Programme
- SURE P MassTransit Programme
- SURE P Public Works Programme
- SURE P Vocational Educational Training (VET) Programme
- SURE P Community Services, Women and Youth Empowerment Programme
- SURE P Graduate Internship Scheme (GIS) Programme
- SURE P Culture and Tourism Programme
- SURE P FCT Light and Rail Project
- SURE P Polio Programme
- SURE P HIV/AIDS Programme
- SURE P FCT Satellite Town Development and Light Rail Programme
Lot 7: Printing Of Fact Sheets On:
- SURE P RaIlways Programme
- SURE P Roads and Bridges Programme
- SURE P Niger Delta East-West Road Programme
- SURE P Maternal and Child Health (MCI-I) Programme
- SURE P MassTransit Programrne
- SURE P Public Works Programme
- SURE P Vocational Educational Training (VET) Programme
- SURE P Community Services, Women and Youth Empowerment Programme
- SURE P Graduate Internship Scheme (GIS) Programme
- SURE P Culture and Tourism Programme
- SURE P FCT Light and Rail Project
- SURE P Polio Programme
- SURE P HIV/AIDS Programme
- SURE P FCT Satellite Town Development and Light Rail Programme
Lot 8: Design for the Brochure & Fact Sheets On:
- SURE P Railways Programme
- SURE P Roads and Bridges Programme
- SURE P Niger Delta East-West Road Programme
- SURE P Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Programme
- SURE P MassTransit Programme
- SURE P Public Works Programme
- SURE P Vocational Educational Training (VET) Programme
- SURE P community Services, Women and Youth Empowerment Programme
- SURE P Graduate Internship Scheme (GIS) Programme
- SURE P Culture and Tourism Programme
- SURE PFCT Light and Rail Project
- SURE P Polio Programme
- SURE P HIV/AIDS Programme
- SURE P Fc7 Satellite Town Development and Light Rail Programme
Lot 9: Gift Items/Souvenirs On:
- SURE P Railways Programme
- SURE P Roads and Bridges Programme
- SURE P Niger Delta East-West Road Programme
- SURE P Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Programme
- SURE P Mass Transit Programme
- SURE P Public Works Programme
- SURE P Vocational Educational Training (VET) Programme
- SURE P Community Services, Women and Youth Empowerment Programme
- SURE P Graduate Internship Scheme (GIS) Programme
- SURE P Culture and Tourism Programme
- SURE P FCT Light and Rail Project
- SURE P Polio Programme
- SURE P HIV/AIDS Programme
- SURE P FCT Satellite Town Development and Light Rail Programme
Lot 10: Purchase Of One Vx Toyota Land Cruiser, One Hiace Bus, 508 Peugeot And Prado Jeep Suv.
Lot 11: Proposal to Conduct Public Awareness and Survey on Sure-P Funds, Programme Intervention, Project and Benefits to Nigeria.
LOT 12: Upgrading and Management of Sure-P FunctIonal Multimedia InformatlonlNews Website with Links To FMI Website Platforms/Linkages, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram And To Feature Speeches, Events, Publications, Video CUP And Bulk SMS.
Qualification Requirement
Interested Companies are expected to possess the following basic requirement:-
- Evidence of Companys Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC);.
- Company’s Current Tax Clearance Certificate for the Last 3 Years;
- Evidence of VAT Registration and Past Remittances;
- Evidence of Compliance with Pensions Act 2004;
- Evidence of Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Contribution;
- Company’s Profile reflecting experience and works of Similar Nature and Value;
- Curriculum Vitae 9CV) including relevant experience of key Personnel;
- Evidence of Financial Capability and support from Bank;
- Company’s Audited Account for the last three (3) Years.
Collection of Tender Documents
Qualified, interested and eligible contractors are to collect tender/bid document for only one lot in Federal Ministry of InformatIon, Garki, Abuja upon the presentation of evidence (original receipts) for the payment of non refundable tender fee of
N20, 000.00 to the Ministry’s Account or a Bank Draft in favour of the Federal Ministry of Information.
Closing Date:
11th November 2014
Submission of Tender Documents
The completed Technical and Financial Tender Documents must be submitted in three (3) copies each, including one original, and two (2) copies in separate sealed envelopes cleariy marked ‘Technical Bid and Financial Bid’ with both sealed in a hard envelope marked with the Appropriate Project Title, and the Company Name at the top right hand corner addressed and delivered to the address below not later than
12noon on Tuesday 11th November 2014.
Opening of Tenders
The Technical bid will be publicly opened at the Press Centre immediately after the close of bids submission at
2:00pm on Tuesday 11th November, 2014.
Contractors or their representatives, interested members of the public and relevant Non Governmental Organization (NGOs) are invited to witness the opening of the Technical Bids as relevant Non Governmental Organization (NGOS) will be subsequently invited to witness the opening of the Financial Bid Documents.
Additional Information/Disclaimer
- Notwithstanding the submission of your tender data, the Federal Ministry of Information is neither committed nor obligated to include your company in any’ bid list or award any form of contract to acompany or agent.
- This advertisement shall not be constituted as a commitment on the part of the Ministry nor shall it entitle potential companies to make any claims whatever to seek any indemnity from the Ministry by virtue of such company having responded to such advertisement.
- The Ministry reserves the right to make available the tender documents to qualified bidders only.