Invitation for Expression of Interest for the Provision of Construction Services for Nigeria LNG Limited, LNG Plant Complex

Posted by Ugochukwu on Tue 28th Oct, 2014 -

Nigeria LNGs Plant Complex is located on Bonny Island, Rivers State, Nigeria. It consists of six natural gas liquefaction trains with a total capacity of 22 million tons of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and 5 million lonnes of Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) per annum, with associated gas receiving, treating, storage and loading facilities as well as utilities (Electrical power generation, Water, Air, Nitrogen etc., and support infrastructure (offices, residential accommodation, school, hospital, airstrip, jetties etc.)

Invitation for Expression of Interest for the Provision of Construction Services for Nigeria LNG Limited, LNG Plant Complex

Nigeria LNG manages a portfolio of small to medium size projects covering the installation, modification, revamps/upgrades etc. of these facilities, For this purpose, the services of Contractors in the area of Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation project/construction execution etc. are required.

Nigeria LNG hereby invites interested Companies with relevant brownfield project/construction experience in Gas production plants, oil refineries, chemical/power plants or similar heavy industrial production facilities, to make a submission of an expression of interest

Scope of the Services

The scope of seice will include and not limited to the following Fobric works, Scaffolding works, Civil works, Mechanical & Piping works: Electrical works, and Instrumentation works, as detailed in the categories below:

Category A: Fabric Works
  • Blasting & Painting
  • Hot and Cold Insulation
  • Fire proofing
Category B: Civil Works
  • Concrete woks
  • Formwork & Reinforcement
  • Structural steel works
Category C: Mechanical /Piping Works
  • Process Piping/ Pipeline Welding
  • Non-Destructive Testing
  • Equipment Integration & Commissioning
  • Post weld Heat Treatment
  • Pressure Testing
  • Scaffolding
Category D: Electrical Works
  • Cable Laying and Terminations
  • Inspection & Testing
  • Equipment Integration
Category E: Instrumentation Works
  • Field Instrument installation
  • Cable Laying and Terminations
  • Inspection & Testing
  • Instrumentation Equipment Integration
The Contractor(s) shall be required to provide all necessary equipment, tools, materials, computers and accessories, facilities, logistics, management supervision, security, and personnel required to fully execute the above listed work scope based on established unit rates. In executing the work, it is expected that the selected Contractors shall provide the following:
  • Construction Monagement
  • Change & Risk management
  • Cost Estimating & Value Engineering
  • Scheduling
  • Quality Assurance and Control
  • Project and Engineering Information Management (Document Control).
  • Construction Execution Monitoring and Control
  • HSE Activity Coordination & Site Safely Management
  • Pre-commissioning / Commissioning / Start-up / Handover.
Nigeria LNG shall provide a space (with utilities/services) for the potential contractor to set up office, workshop, staff canteen, equipment and laydown area etc. as may be required by them to execute the contract.

Utilities/services such as power, water etc. for the Contractors orea will be provided by Nigeria LNG; Contractor shall be responsible far the provision of residential accommodation for its personnel while working at Company locations.

Interested Contractors are required to respond to this invitation with the following information/documents for consideration:
  1. Detailed list of experience in Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Commissioning works in gas production plants, oil refineries, chemical plants or similar heavy industrial production facilities executed in the last 10 years, giving names of clients, location and cost or volume of services provided, These details should indicate experience in Engineering, Procurement Construction, and Commissioning of medium and large scale oil and gas project and maintenance works as itemised in the various elements of the Scope of the Services defined above;
  2. Detailed proof signifying capability and capacity to undertake medium and major architectural & civil works, fabricate/erect structures, process piping, pipblines, equipment skids, painting & insulation, instrument/electrical units, in Nigeria. Carry out Brown field verifications, Site Surveys, Design verification, Bulk and Long Lead Equipment Procurement Dimensional checks, Non-destructive testing, Infrastructural building projects, and Hot/Cold work tie-ins. This proof should include ownership of fabrication workshops, Concrete bathing plants, Heavy Equipment etc.;
  3. Description of the Contractor’s techniques and capabilities in managing, planning, scheduling, resourcing of personnel, plant and materials), and cost controlling all aspects of construction and maintenance including details of techniques and methodology, and unique and proprietary software or IT systems that the contractor uses and would apply in delivering the services;
  4. Detailed list of Plant and Equipment owned by the contractor that is relevant to the provision of maintenance services, indicating age and capacity;
  5. Financial audited accounts for the last three years (2011, 2012 and 2013) and management accounts for the current year Current DPR certificate to operate as an Engineering Project/Construction company and do business in the oil and gas industry.
Compliance with Nigerian Content (NOGICD Act 2010)
The Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development (NOGICD) Act 2010 supports and details expected Nigerian Content deliverables within contracts in the Nigerian Oil & Gas industry.

NLNG is committed to the development of the Nigeria Oil & Gas business in compliance with the Nigerian Content Act 2010 for Nigerian Content Development.

Interested companies shall comply with the provisions of the Nigerian Content Act that relate to these services and in particular comply with the minimum Nigerian Content percentage (%) for the scope, which are covered in the Schedule of the Act.

Failure to comply with the Nigerian Content Act or demonstrate commitment to Nigerian Content Development shall result in disqualification from bidding for this contract.

General Nigerian Content Requirements

Companies responding to this advertisement are required to submit the following in compliance to Nigerian Content Act, 2010:
  1. Documentation to demonstrate that the entity is a Nigerian-registered company. Submission of certified true copies of CAC forms 02 & 07 (or its equivalent; CAC 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, etc.) including company memorandum & article of association. All companies shall be Nigerian Indigenous Service Companies having 51% and above Nigerian equity in the shareholding and ownership structure of tenderer’s legal registered entity in Nigeria by CAMA (Companies and Allied Matters Act)
  2. Evidence of registration on the NCDMB NOGIC Joint Qualification System (JQS).
  3. Evidence of registration with the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Works, or State Ministry of Works.
  4. Evidence of registration with the Council for Registration of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN).
  5. The process and procedure that explain the methodology of how it intends to comply with the requirements of the Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 (Nigerian Content Plan) and how to achieve the set target(s) in the schedule of the Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry Content Development Act and any targets set by the Board.
  6. A plan for giving first consideration to services provided within Nigeria with a list of work packages, third party services and subcontracts which should be reserved far Nigerian indigenous contractors, including those that will be provided by companies of Nigerian origin.
  7. A plan of how it intends to give first considerotion to raw materials and manufactured as well as assembled goods of Nigerian origin which shall include a breakdown of all raw materials to be utilized and identifying those that are found locally, finished products and materials that will be procured from Nigerian manufacturing and assembly plants, finished goods that order con be placed from outside Nigeria through Nigerian authorized vendors and accredited agents and those that would be directly imported.
  8. A plan of how first consideration shall be given to the employment of qualified Nigerians.
  9. National Human Capacity Development (HCD): Companies shall provide a proje&specific training plan for Nigerian Nationals to be selected from the National database on the NOGIC Joint Qualification System (JQS), man-hour budget skill development and technology transfer plan for Nigerian, personnel. HCD training for this service shall be o minimum of 10% of /project manhours) or 3% of contract value whichever is greater. Trainees shall be selected using the NCDMB empirical formula in the HCD procedure to estimate number of trainees while training duration shall span the entire project/contract period,
  10. Technology Transfer Plan (UP) explaining the methodology of how it intends to promote the effective transfer of technology from alliance partners to Nigerian individuals and companies.
  11. Research & Development Plan (RDP) explaming the methodology of promoting education, attachments, training, research and development in Nigeria. Research & Development (R & D) shall be carried out on the contract under the auspices of NCDMB approved R&D cluster; Scope (list areas of research, linkage to industry, key drivers and expected outcome), plan (purpose, NC targets, milestones and deliverables, performance reporting and period) name of research cluster, Nigerian location of centres, R&D duration and value of R&D expenditure.
  12. Details of the company’s corporate organizations overall human resources structure (management, supervisors, senior & junior skilled officers, etc.), identifying positions manned/occupied by Nigerian nationals with evidence of type of employment in-country and identifying the positions manned/occupied by other nationals.
  13. Proposed organogram for this work scope populated with nationality, qualification of personnel and years of experience of personnel on the job (attach CV of key finance, operational and technical personnel) including a succession plan in this work scope.
  14. A detailed description of the location of facilities and infrastructure (assets, equipment, technical office, and administrative space, storage, etc.) in Nigeria to support this contract, evidence that 50% of all equipment deployed to work by multinational and international companies are owned by the local subsidiaries.
  15. Further innovation proposals that would enhance the development of Nigeria content on the service including plans for transition to 100% Nigerian ownership of the company.
  16. A copy of the compans (Nigerian Content Equipment Certificate) NCEC or a proof of its application for the certificate to the board.
Closing Date:
11th November 2014

Submission of Responses

A company with multiple competences across the listed scope of work is encouraged to submit deliverables supporting the respective scope of work, Also where there is an existing and proven alliance between contractors with diverse and indistinct competences — such contractors are advised to submit their interest as one party.
For multiple contractor & alliance, similar review and assessment of each contractor shall be done and disqualification of one party automatically disqualifies the alliance or Joint venture (JV) companies hence no one company documentation con suffice for the JV companies.
The Expression of Interest document should be submitted:
In Hard Copy in a sealed envelope and marked CATEGORY “A” Fabric Works, CATEGORY “B” Civil, CATEGORY “C”
Mechanical & Piping, CATEGORY “D” Electrical and CATEGORY “E” Instrumentation to:

The Head, Business Strategy & Support,
CPM Department,
Production Division,
Nigeria LNG LimIted,
Bonny Island, Rivers State.


In electronic Copy in PDF format by e-mail to “CONFIDENTIAL —Expression of interest and Pre-Qualification for Provision of Construction Execution and Management Services for NLNG (CATEGORY “A” Fabric Works, CATEGORY “B” Civil, CATEGORY “C” Mechanical & Piping, CATEGORY “D” Electrical and CATEGORY “E” Instrumentation) in the subject line.

For submissions for more than one category, such categories should be described on the subject line (e.g. CATEGORY A & B, CATEGORY A, C & D, CATEGORY A, B, C, D, E etc.) and submissions shall contain all required documents applicable to each work scope.

The submission in either format must be received by Nigeria LNG Limited not later than 11th November 2014.

Please Note:
  • This is not an invitation to tender. Full tendering procedure will be provided to applicants who are successful at this expression of interest, in accordance with NLNG’s pre-qualification procedures.
  • Notwithstanding the submissions of the documents for the expression of interest NLNG is neither committed nor obliged to include any company and/or associated companies, agents or sub-contractors on any bid list or award any form of contract to any company and/or associated companies, agents or subcontractors.
  • Please be aware that this invitation to express interest does not guarantee that you will be requested to submit an offer to Nigeria LNG Limited; it does not constitute any form of agreement or contrad between our companies. Nigeria LNG Limited shall nat be responsible for any cost incurred in responding to this invitation.
  • This advertisement of Expression of Interest and Prequalification shall not be construed os a commitment by NLNG, nor shall it entitle respondents to claim any indemnity from NLNG, Technical Advisers and/or any of its shareholders by virtue of having responded to this advertisement
  • This EOI is a simple invitation for you to express your interest in the indicated work scopes and does not warrant any further feedback from NLNG hereafter. If you do not hear from NLNG within 3months of submission of this publication, it should be taken that your application was not successful. 


