Invitation for Pre-Qualification and Tender Execution of 2014 Capital Projects at the National Orthopaedic Hospital, Dala-Kano

Posted by Ugochukwu on Tue 18th Nov, 2014 -

Invitation for Pre-Qualification and Tender Execution of 2014 Capital Projects at the National Orthopaedic Hospital, Dala-Kano

Lot 1:
Procurement and Installations of 1000KVA Power Generating set
Lot 2: Provision of Magnetic Resonance lmaging (MRI):
  • Preparation of Magnetic Resononce Imaging (MRI) Suite (Room).
  • Provisional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for the Hospital.
Lot 3: Provision of Computed Radiography System and Net working.

Evaluation Requirements:
  1. Evidence of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
  2. Evidence of Tax clearance for the last Three (3) years.
  3. Evidence of VAT Registration and Remittance.
  4. Evidence of compliance with pension reform Act 2004 with regards to operation of the employees Retirement Savings Accounts with an approved Pension Fund Administrator (PFA).
  5. Company Profile with Evidence of Personnel capability including list of Key Professionals, CV of each professional.
  6. Evidence of experience in lobs of similar nature within the post Three (3) years with verifiable letters of contract/s award or certificate/s of job completion/details of on-going Projects.
  7. Evidence of financial capability to handle the job by way of turnover figures backed by Three years Audited Report, Bank statement and Bank reference letter.
  8. Evidence of compliance with Provision of Section 6 (i-iii) of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) amended Act no. 1 9 of 2011 with regards to payment of contribution for employees training.
Interested companies are to obtain Tender/Bid Documents from Procurement Unit of the Hospital on presentation of non-refundable Tender processing fee receipt of N30, 000.00 per Lot. Acct No. 7790168548 Acct Name: Transit Account National Orthopoedic Hospital Dala-Kano. SkyeBank.
Only the submissions which fulfill the requirements stated above will be considered.

Closing Date:

29th December 2014


Technical and Financial documents should be packaged in separate envelopes Identifying the contents as either Technical or Financial documents, sealed and Addressed to:

The Medical Director,
National Orthopaedic Hospital,
P. M. 8. 3087,
Dala, Kano,

The two envelopes are to be put in a bigger envelope addressed also as above and clearly list the contents. Submissions are to be deposited in the Tender Box provided in the Office of the Medical Director on or before 29th December, 2014 by 11:00am when the proposals and Bids will be opened in the Hospital Board Room.
Tenderers/Bidders are to note that the Hospital is not bound to accept the lowest or any bid.
Tenderers/Bidders are also to note that wrong packaging or labeling will result in disqualification.
The Tender/Bid opening event is open to interested members of the Public.
For more information visit:  


