CREDIT No: 46670 NG
Date of Issuance: 19th November, 2014
The Federal Government of Nigeria has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of implementing Public Sector Governance Reform and Development Project (PSGRDP). Kebbi State is a beneficiary of the credit and intends to apply part of the proceeds of the credit for consultancy services for the implementation of the State Integrated Financial Management Information System (SIFMIS).
Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) for Consultancy Services for the Selection of a SIFMIS Coordinator
The following Terms of Reference (TOR) are developed for individual consultant that is required to support the implementation of State Integrated Financial Management Information System (SIFMIS) in Kebbi State.
The objective of the SIFMIS sub-component is to support the implementation and effective utilization of simple but robust off-the-shelf lntegrated Financial Management Information Systems, IFMIS, using a turnkey approach which will
- support human resource management and payroll, planning and budgeting, transaction processing, accounting, auditing, and reporting, on the use of financial resources; and
- make available a reliable and unified database, which will be shared by all users, and feed both State and Federal Government of Nigeria with the information that they need respectively. The system should however provide a basis for future expansion and adoption of additional key elements of the budget, financial management reform agenda and improved financial reporting according to International Public Sector Accounting Standards-IPSAS) for better accountability and transparency in the conduct of government business.
The SIFMIS Coordinator is expected to:
- Conduct a thorough assessment of the use of the existing computerized systems in the Stateto see if it meets the expectations of SIFMIS; with particular emphasis on the level of integration between Budgeting, Appropriation, Receipting, Payments, Accounting, Reporting, Human Resource (HR)/Payroll and Cash Management (including bank reconciliation), and also develop the technical and functional requirements for the overall SIFMIS.
- Conduct a Project Risk Assessment, and the practical SIFMIS scope and technological platform including communications/connectivity infrastructure options currently driving financial management practice in Kebbi State
- Assist with the setting up of a state project team and support the Project team in developing a robust and appropriate bidding documents using a turnkey approach
- Assist in the identification and selection of a suitable firm for the supply and implementation of SIFMIS by working with the Government team to coordinate the bid evaluation
- Conduct Training Needs Assessment for the identified Users and Provide technical support services to the State Government prior to and throughout SIFMIS project implementation.
Kebbi State Public Sector Governance Reform and Development Project (PSGR & DP) now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (Profile of consortium, Track record and description of similar assignment, Training experience in similar condition, general qualifications and availability of appropriate skills among staff Training experience). The proposed assignment is expected to bring international best practice and ideas into skills enhancement. As such, eligible consultant with direct experience on SIFMIS coordination and implementation in line with the best international best practices is required.
A consultant will be selected under Consultant Qualification (CQ) in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines; Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers. January, 2011.
Closing Date:
2nd December 2014
Interested Consultants may obtain further information at the address below from
9.00am to 4.00pm local time. Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below on before
2nd December, 2014 during
office hours of 0900 to 1600Hours local time (Except Public holidays). Only shortlisted firms will be invited or notified for further correspondences.
Tel: 08033019397,
E-mail:, www.kbpublicsectorreforms.