Invitation for Tender for the Implementation of 2014 Capital Project at Federal Science and Technical College, Tungbo

Posted by Ugochukwu on Fri 21st Nov, 2014 -

The Federal Govemment of Nigeria has provided funds in the 2014 Appropriaton for the Federal Science and Technical College, Tungbo (FSTC, Tungbo) and the college is desirous to utilize part of the funds to procure Goods and Works in the college.

Invitation for Tender for the Implementation of 2014 Capital Project 

Therefore, services of experienced contractors are required to procure the following Goods and Works as listed below:

Section A: Works

Lot 1: Construction of two (2) non block quadruple dormitory
Lot 2: Construction of Catering Craft Workshop
Lot 3: Completion of Library
Lot 4: Rehabilitation of Technical Workshop

Section B: Goods

Lot 1: Procurement of Consumable materials for vocational and Technical Trade.

Tendering Requirements
  1. Evidence of Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
  2. Evidence of current Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three (3) years ending in December 2013.
  3. Evidence of VAT registration Certificate with TIN Number.
  4. Evidence of issuance of compliance Certificate to all organizations by PENCOM in line with Pension Reform Act 2004 (as amended).
  5. Evidence of compliance with the amended Industrial Training Fund Act, 2011.
  6. A sworn affidavit disclosing whether or not any officer of FSTC, Tungbo or STB is a former or present Director, Shareholder or has any peceniary interest in the bid and confirm that all information presented in its bid are tree and correct in all particulars.
  7. Bidders shall not bid for more than 2 (two) lots. (NB: The above listed requirement shall form part of the bids evaluation criteria and non-compliance with any of the stated conditions shall result in automatic disqualification of the bidder).
  8. Names of Bankers with references;
  9. Company profile with CVs of key officers including photocopies of relevant professional/technical qualifications;
  10. Evidence of registration with relevant professional bodies such as ARCON, COREN, CORBON, etc. for Section A (works component) only;
  11. List of verifiable construction equipment indicating ownership or lease agreement for section A (works component) only;
  12. Verifiable evidence of successful completion of similar works within the past three (3) years and attach copies of letter of awards and certificates of successful completion. (N.B: The above criteria will attract marks);
Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedure as specified in the 2009 Public Procurement Act.

Collection of Documents:

Interested bidders are to collect a complete set of Bidding Documents from the Federal Science and Technical College, Tungbo, Bayelsa State on submission of written application accompanied by anon-refundable tender fee of Twenty Thousand Naira (N20, 000) per lot in certified Bank Draft payable to the Federal Science and Technical College, Tungbo.

Closing Date:

6th December 2014

Submission of Tender Documents:

The completed Tender should be enveloped in two separate envelopes marked ‘Technical Bid’ and ‘Financial Bid’, sealed and marked on the top left hand corner with the inscription: SECTION (inset either A or B) lot No... and Title of Project and should be addressed to the Principal, Federal Science and Technical College, Tungbo, Bayelsa State and deposited in the Tender Box in the college on or before 12.00 noon on 6th December, 2014. The name of the contractor should also be clearly written in capital letters at the back of the envelopes. Late bids will be rejected.

Public Opening of Bids

Technical/Financial Bids shall be opened immediately after close of submission above in the college in the presence of the bidders representatives, relevant professional bodies, non-Governmental organizatons and interested members of the public. This advertisement serven also as an invitation to NGOs, Anti-Corruption Agencies and General Public to witness the bid opening in the college premises

Disclaimer and Conclusion.
  • The Federal Science and Technical College, Tungbo will not be responsible for any cost or expenses incurred by any interested parties in connection with any response to this invitation and or the preparation or submission in response to an inquiry.
  • Please note that this advertisement shall not be construed as a commitment on the part of the college to award any or all the above listed projects. 


