Adamawa State Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency invites bids to engage contractors for the drilling and completion of 200 hand pump fitted bore holes and 40 blocks of 3 Compartments VIP Latrines in 200 Communities and 20 School respectively of Fufore and Mubi South LGA(s) of the State. More details on the Contracts and Services are provided in the attaehedbid documents.
Invitation to Bid for the Execution of some Works at Adamawa State Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency
Tendering Requirements
- Evidence of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) certificate
- Evidence of current Tax Clearance certificate for the last three (3) years by December 2013.
- Evidence of similar jobs executed by the company
- Evidence of Financial Capability to execute the project
- Company profile with CVs of key Officers including photocopies of relevant professional/rechnical qualifications
- Evidence of acquisition of specialized construction equipment
- Evidence of VAT registration certificate and TIN No.
- Bidders shall not bid for more than 2 (two) Lots
Obtaining Tender Documents
Tender documents are obtainable from the Adamawa State Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (RUWASSA) Office Adamawa from 24th November 2014 on the payment of non- refundable Tender fee of
N15, 000.O0 (Fifteen Thousand Naira Only) per Lot.
Submission of Tenders:
- All duly completed Tender documents must be submitted in the following prescribed manner,
- The Tender Qualifications/Requirements mandatory filled in ink will be sealed in an envelope and. boldly marked Technical Requirements for Lot . . .(being applied for) at the topmost right hand corner of the envelope with the name and phone number of the company boldly written at the back of the envelope.
- The Priced Bills of Quantity will be in an envelope and boldly marked Financial BOQ for LOT (being applied for) The two (2) envelopes in (a) and (b) are sealed in a single large envelope and marked LOT NO and addressed to: The Programme Manager, Adamawa State Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (RUWASSA) Opp Customs Zonal Office Kofare, Numan Road. Jimeta-Yola, Adamawa State not later than 12noon 10th December 2014.
- The above listed requirements shall form part of the bids evaluation criteria.
- The contract will be awarded to the least and responsive bidder
- Note that EU/UNICEF does not pay VAT or any type of tax.
- The factor that shall determine the winning bidder during evaluation shall be the total contract cost expressed in the submitted bids.
Closing/Opening of Bids
Submission of Tenders closes on
10th December 2014 at 12noon. Bids will be publically opened at
1.00pm the same day at Adamawa State RUWASSA Opp Customs Zonal Office Kofare, Numan Road. Jimeta- Yola, Adamawa State.
Disclaimer and Conclusion
- Adamawa State Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (RUWASSA) will not be responsible for any cost of expenses incurred by any interested party (ies) in connection with any response to this invitation and or the preparation or submission in response to an inquiry.
- Please note that this advertisement shall not be construed as a commitment on the part of the Agency to award any or all the above listed projects.