Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Provision of Consultancy Services under Transportation Secretariat (TS)
The Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA), through the Transportation Secretariat (TS) is inviting competent and interested Consulting Firms to submit documents for the Expression of interest in any of the following projects:
Design of Mono Rail from CBD to Phases II & III, FCT Abuja.
The scope of services Includes:
- Feasibility Study and Conception Design of the proposed Mono Rail Transit, inclurtng linkage of the Activity Centres;
- Route Identification and Selection;
- Preliminary Engineering Design of the Mono Rad Transit;
- Final Engineering Design of the Mono Rail Transit.
- Productron and Submission of Reports (offend hard copies);
- Preparation and Production ted documents (soft and hard coples) and
- Submission of Design Software
Design of Transitway in FCT, Abuja
The scope of services indudes:
- Feasibility Study and Conception Desiqn of the Transitway Corridors connecting the Transportation, interchange and Sector Centres along the Transit Spines;
- Preliminary Engineering Design of the Transitways;
- Final Engineering Design of theTransitways and Synchronizationwith Lots 1 & 3 Abuja Rail Project; “Production and Submission of Reports (soft end hard copies);
- Preparation and Production Bid documents (soft and hard copies) and
- Submission of Design Software.
Transaction Advisory Services for Rail Mass Transit System
The scope of services include:
- Offer Transaction Advisory for the Procurement of an Operator for Lots 1 & 3 and for the Final Design & Development of Lot 2 of Abuja Rail Project
- Carry out a comprehensive feasibility study: full project cycle costs, affordability costs, optimal value-for-money and methods of delivery;
- Conduct Outline Business Case (OBC) and Viability Studies;
- Provide the necessary Technical, Legal and Financial Advisory Support for the procurement of a Private Partner(s) for the projects;
- Production and submission of all the necessary Reports(soft and hard copies).
Design of Transportation Centre and Interchange Centre
The scope of services Indudes:
- Review of Master Plan and comparison analysis with the current devetopment in the Federal CapItal City in terms of Land Use Development, Network Administration and PublicTransport Services;
- Preliminary Engineering Design of the Transportation and the Interchange Centres, including all the ancillary facilities;
- Final Engineering Design of the Transportation and Interchange Centres;
- Production and Submission of Reports (soft and hard copies);
- Preparation and Production Bid documents (soft and hard copies) and
- Submission of Design Software.
Pre-Qualification Requirements:
Eligibility Requirements (without which the firm shall be disqualified)
- Evidence of Registration of the firm with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC);
- Tax Oearance Certificate for the last 3 yearsexpiring December, 2014;
- Current Certificate of Compliance with the Provision of Pension Reform Act 2004 with evidence of up to date Remittance-of employee Pension Fund contributions in line with Part P.’, section 16 subsection Edof the Public Procurement Act, 2007;
- Evidenceof Firm’s Contributiops to Industrial Training Fund (ITF);
- Evidence of turn current registration with Coundl for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN);
- Evidence of firm’s valid Practicing License (2014) issued by COREN or Equivalent (Expatriates only);
Other Requirements
- Corporate Profile of the firm including CVs of Key Personnel, registered address, functional contact e-mail address and GSM phone number(s);
- Evidence of Educational Qualification and Registration of Key Personnel with relevant professional bodies;
- Evidence of up to date Mnual Retums with CAC (2013);
- Evidence of Financial Capability including Company’s Current Bank Reference and Statement of Account for the last 12 months;
- Documentary evidences of Work Experience on similar jobs in successfully executed in Nigeria and/or mica in the lasteight (8) years;
- Swom affidavit in line with the provision of Part IV (Section 16, subsection 6(e &f) of the Public Procurement Act 2007;
- Technology capacity / equipment/software relevant for the project;
- Evidence of Registration on the National Data Base of Contractors, Consultants and Services Providers (CCSPs) under the Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) in line with section 5(h) and 6(I)(f);
- Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a Joint Venture or subConsultancy to enhance their qualification. All members in a joint Venture must he eligible.
- Compliance with local content requirements.
Closing Date:
8th December 2014
Submission and Opening of EOI Documents
Three (3) copies of EOI Documents (one original and two other copies) should be enclosed ins sealed envelope clearly marked at top right hand corner
CONFIDENTIAL and boldly written
‘Expression of Interest for __________ (Title of Project) as appropriate and should be dropped in the
Tender Box in Room 043, First Floor Block B FCTA Tenders Board Secretariat Area II, Garki - Abuja, not later than 12.00noon 8th December, 2014. The representatives of the bidding companies and interested members of the public are invited to witness the opening of the EoI Documents on the same day immediately after close of submission at
FCT Tenders Board Annex, Room 69 Akinola Aguda Hall, FCT Archives & History Bureau, Behind AGES Building, Peace Drive, Area 11, Garki, Abuja.
Please note that:
- Due Diligence exercise could be carried out on the companies to verify claims included in their submissions;
- Interested members of the public especially Civil Right Organization are invited to attend the opening exercise They are expected to adhered to the Code of Conduct for Public Procurement Observers stipulated by the Bureau of PubIc Procurement;
- Only the Shortlisted firms shall be invited to submit Technical and Finsnctal proposals for the projects;
- Response to this Invitation shall not obligate FCT Administration to consider any responding firm for the award of any contract. All cost incurred shall be borne by the responding firm;
- The advert should not be construed ass commitment on the part of the FCT Administration, nor shall it entitle responding companies to seek any indemnity from FCT Administration by virtue of such company having responded to this advert.