Our Institute is a leading provider of treatment, care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other communicable diseases with headquarters in Abuja and regional offices in Lagos, Asaba, Jos, Kano and the Federal capital Territory. We require competent and result-oriented travel agent to provide services to one of our sub-grantees.
Invitation to Bid for some Works at the Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria
BID Title: Travel Agency Services
Priority: HIGH / MEDIUM /LOW
Highlights/Bid Item: Travel Agency
Instructions to Bidding:
- All bids must be type written; submission in pencil will not be accepted.
- All enquiries regarding the proposed application for the above should be directed to the Associate Director Procurement of IHVN-Nigeria.
- Blank bill of Quantities is obtainable at the Procurement Unit for completion by each bidding Travel Agency.
- Bids must be properly sealed.
- All bids must include company profile.
- Travel Agency must provide Performance bond from a reputable Insurance company.
- All bids must provide evidence of at least two similar Jobs made in the past for IHVN/other organizations etc.
- Travel Agency must provide proof of registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
- Travel Agency must provide proof of registration of contractor with IHVN
- Travel Agency must provide proof of IATA registration.
- Bids should be submitted to the head office on or before the date below specified as deadline.
- Bids will be opened at Bid opening date and time specified below.
Note: Bids, which must reach us within
5th December 2014, Bids should have the title of the project written on the
“Top Left Hand Corner” of the envelope.
Bid Submission Date/Time: 24/11/2014 9am
Bid Deadline Date/Time 5/12/2014 05:00pm
Contact: Associate Director Procurement
Procurement Unit/Supply Chain Management Department
Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria
Pent House, Maina Court
Plot 252, Herbert Marcaulay Way
Central Business District
P.O Box 9396, Garki, Abuja-Nigeria
Tel: +234 (0) 9 4610342, 4610341, Fax: +234 (0) 9 4610340
Mobile: +23480690856556
Email: iopute@ihvnigeria.org.