The National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP) and Society for Family Health (SFH) have been appointed as Principal Recipients (PRs) for Malaria grant for the public and private sector components of the New Funding Model (NFM) from the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM).Both Principal Recipients wit be responsible for improving informed demand and use of malaria prevention and treatment products in 24 states of the federation for a period of 2 years.
Joint Call for Expression of Interest/Invitation to Pre-Qualify for Selection as Social Mobilization Sub-Recipient (SR) for Global Fund Malaria New Funding Model
The Global Fund grants will be implemented in 24 highest burden states. These are: Akwa Iborn, Anambra. Bauchi, Benue, Cross River, Edo. Ekili, Imo. Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Kogi, Kwara, Lagos. Niger, Ogun, Ondo, Osun. Oyo, Rivers. Sokoto and Zamfara States.
To implement the New Funding Model, NMEP and SFH invite proposals from qualified and reputable organizations with relevant expenence in the area of community mobilisahori and advocacy for appointment as sub-recipient (SR). NMEP and SFH will coordinate funding and provide technical support to the successful organizations and/or group appointed as Sub-Recipient (SR). ONLY ONE (1) EOl SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO ANY OF THE TWO PRINCIPAL RECIPIENTS
The PRs intend to engage the services of four (4) Social Mobilization SRs (i.e. two (2) SR5 for NMEP and two (2) SRs for SF11); one SR each (will be required by NMEP and SFH) to cover the South East, South-South, South-West, North-Central, North East and Nomth-Wesf zones of the countiy; fora period of two (2) years.
Objective of Service:
To increase informed demand and the use of mnalana prevention, diagnosis and treatment products/services through well articulated community based social mobitisation and advocacy activities.
SpecifIc activities
The Social Mobilization Sub-Recipient
- Will partner with NMEP and/or SFH through social mobilization activities to bring about increase in informed demand and use of malaria prevention and treatment products and services by supporting these activities in assigned states.
- Will utilize community mobilization channels and interpersonal communication to expand the informed demand and use of appropriate malaria prevention and treatment products. It is expected that the activities at the community levels will contribute to the achievement of the following targets over a period of 2 years of the NFM project:
- Increased Number of communities reached by Advocacy and social Mobilization through community outreach/drama/interpersonal communication
- Increased proportion of care givers who recognize Ihe symptoms of uncomplicated malaria
- Increased proportion of care givers who can mention at least one preventive measure against Malaria
- Increased proportion of caregivers who know that quality, affordable antimalarial drugs are available in Public and Private Health facilities, designated pharmacy shops and PPM Vs in their locality
- Increased proportion of vulnerable groups who use preventive methods
- Must have a presence at the State LGA of operation and community levels to implement community based activities. (It is important the SR works with other community based linkages to increase awareness coverage and in support of mobilisation)
- Is expected to provide a written report of the social mobilization activities to the National Malaria Elimination Programme or Society for Family Health depending on the PR overseeing the SR within specified penods after the conduct of the activities,
- Is expected to provide logistics arrangements to ensure the success of the social mobilization activities and to provide linkages with commodity distribution
- Must ensure that all Malaria messages and drama to be produced are community-led, culturally acceptable, using a multidisciplinary, integrated
- Must ensure access to the ‘hard-to-reach’, such as illiterate people, young mothers and marginalised populations within the communities, The SR must ensure that mobilisation approaches are built on those locally available, using multiple entry points and tools, his important that all opportunities to communicate should be capitalised on (e.g. the home, community, at the private health facility) using local, non-technical language.
- Should ensure that records of Advocacy visits and drama conducted in the communities are documented. It may be useful to promote key agents of change in the communities. Activities al all times must be ‘community owned, ‘community driven’ involving the different strata of the communities.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for consideration, interested organisations must provide the following details:
- Profile of the organization, including organization’s certificale of incorporation, physical address, organogram of management structure, ownership (including board membership), and contacts (telephone. facsimile and email);
- Profile of management team, and members of the Board
- Copy of current strategic plan, and details of operating budget for 2012, 2013 and 2014;
- Evidence of financial management systems (accounting, internal control, and audited financial statements for the most recent 3 years);
- Evidence of previous health projects handled, particularly malaria, with details of grant amounts, funding agencies and period of such grants. Organizations that have already carried out donor funded projects with budgets similar to oral least 50% as large as the proposed Global Fund SR budget (i.e US$200,000) will have an advantage.
- Evidence of the availability of qualified personnel for carrying out social mobilization activities.
- Evidence of tax payment for the past 3 consecutive years;
- Evidence of VAT registration and proof of remittances and/or tax exemption certificate;
- Evidence of Compliance with the Provision of the Pension Reform Act 2004
Evaluation and Selection of the SR
- The Country Coordinating Mechanism (in conjuncton with the two implementing PRs) will constitute a technical panel which will review the Eol and shortlist Applicants to proceed to the next stage of Request for Proposals s based on the criteria listed above.
- At this stage, a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ qualifier will be used In rate all the points above, and only organizations with a ‘yes’ response against all the points above will be considered. Only bidders who score more than 80% will proceed to the next stage
- All costs incurred by bidders as a result of this process and any subsequent requests for information shall be borne by the bidding organizations.
- Only companies that satisfy the Pre-qualification requirements will be contacted with Requests for Proposal (RFP) and Request for Quotes’ (RFO).
- This advertisement shall not be construed as a commitment on the part of NMEP or SFH to appoint any organisation nor shall it entitle any organ’isation to claim any indemnity from NMEP or SFH
- Interested bidders may obtain further information from the contacts given below between 9:00hrs and 15:00hrs or via e-mail addresses given below. Such information should be requested not later than 5 days after publication.
Submission of Applications/Closing Date:
The code SR/SM/GFMAL/NFM-14 should be boldly wrilten on the top right corner of the Pre-qualification submission envelope. Name of organisafion tendering should also be clearly written on rear of the envelope.
This sealed envelope containing two hard copies of the submission should be addressed to any of the following:
The National Coordinator
National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP)
Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH)
1st Floor Abia House,
Central Business District, Abuja, FCT
The Head, Procurement Division,
Society for Family Health (SFH)
8 Port-Harcourt Crescent
Off Gimbiya Street,
Area 11, Garki, Abuja.
Note: The closing date for receiving the application is
7th December 2014. Any application received after the stipulated date stipulated date will not be accepted.