Invitation for Pre-Qualification of Contractors to Tender for the Supply and Installation of Servers,Computer WorkStations, Laptops, UPS and Printers at the Nigerian Ports Authority

Posted by Kelvin on Fri 14th Sep, 2012 -

Invitation for Pre-Qualification of Contractors to Tender for the Supply and Installation of Servers,Computer WorkStations, Laptops, UPS and Printers at the Nigerian Ports Authority .

The Management of Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) hereby invites interested, competent and reputable contractors with relevant experience in Information Technology to apply for the above mentioned project.

Scope of Work
The scope of work includes but not limited to supply and installation of Servers, computer workstations, Laptops, UPS and Printers at the Nigerian Ports Authority.

Pre-Qualification Requirements

For Prequalification, Interested companies must submit the following documents:
  • Evidence of company registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and Articles of Association
  • Evidence of three (3) years audited accounts (2009-2011)
  • Evidence of compliance with the Pension Reform Act, 2004 in terms of remittance to the PFAs
  • Evidence of affiliation with OEM :(Original Equipment Manufacturer).
  • Evidence of compliance (registration and remittance) with the provision of the industrial Training Fund (ITF) Amendment Act, 2011.
  • Details of company’s profile including the names, qualifications, experiences of key personnel that will be involved in the project
  • Evidence of VAT registration and remittance for the past three (3) years (2009-2011).
  • Tax clearance certificate for the past three (3) years (2009-2011)
  • Evidence of company’s technical ability to undertake the project. Please attach copies of transaction documents including letters of award of contract, project completion certificates, etc for at least 3 similar projects
  • All relevant information concerning physical addresses, Telephone, fax, e-mail of company and its representative :.
  • For Joint Ventures (JVs), Memorandum of Understanding should be provided.
Submission of Tender Documents
Three (3) copies (one original and two duplicate) of Technical Proposal must be submitted in sealed envelope and clearly marked “INVITATION FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION OF CONTRACTORS FOR THE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF SERVERS, COMPUTER WORKSTATIONS, LAPTOPS, UPS AND PRINTERS AT THE NIGERIAN PORTS AUTHORITY” PUBLIC NOTICE NO 3806 and addressed to the SECRETARY TO THE TENDERS BOARD” NIGERIAN PORTS AUTHORITY, and dropped into the designated Tender Box located on the 2 floor, Nigerian Ports Authority Corporate Headquarters, 26/28 Marina, Lagos

Closing Date
18th September,2012  by 11:00 am

Bid Opening
All tenders will be opened at 12:00 Noon on the same day (18th September,2012)at the Conference Room, Nigerian Ports Authority, Annex building, No.1, Joseph street, Marina, Lagos in the presence of all bidders or their  representatives and stakeholders.
For further enquires, please contact the “General Manger, Procurement or e-mail:

Please Note
  • Late submission will not be entertained
  • Only short-listed companies will be contacted
  • Management is not bound to accept any tender
  • Wrong placement of tender documents will not be entertained
  • All costs incurred as a result of this tender shall be borne by the bidding companies


