Contractors Needed at the Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo

Posted by Rodney on Mon 10th Jul, 2017 -

The Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo (FUNAI), Ebonyi State, hereby invites interested Contractors to bid for the following projects.

Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo (FUNAI) - In furtherance to the implementation of our 2017 Capital projects; The Federal University Ndufu-Alike lkwo (FUNAI), Ebonyi State hereby invites interested, competent and reputable Contractors to bid for the following projects.

Project Description
Lot 1: Construction a section of 10KM link road and drainages.
Lot 2: Construction of internal roads.
Lot 3: Construction of internal drainages.
Lot 4: Electricity connection to the national grid ; supply and installation of 500KVA backup generator.
Lot 5: Provision of liquid and solid waste vehicles with incinerator.
Lot 6: Provision of fire fighting vehicles, water facilities and bay.
Lot 7: Provision of solar street lights

General Eligibility Criteria for Contractors
  • A signed letter of application for the project of interest.
  • Verifiable Evidence of Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
  • Verifiable Evidence of Company’s Current Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three (3) years (2014,2015, 2016).
  • Verifiable Evidence of Compliance Certificate in line with the provision of Section 6(1) (3) of the amended Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Act No.19 of 2011.
  • Verifiable Evidence of Current Pension Clearance Certificate from PENCCOM.
  • Verifiable Evidence of registration on the Database of Contractors, Consultants and Service Providers by inclusion of the Interim Registration Report (IRR) issued by Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) in line with the provisions of section 5(h) of the Public Procurement Act(PPA), 2007.
  • Company Audited Account for the last three (3) years (2014, 2015, and 2016) duly stamped.
  • Evidence of Financial Capability/Reference letter from a reputable bank.
  • Evidence of having successfully carried out at least three (3) similar jobs in the last three (3) years (2014,2015, and 2016) with verifiable letter of contract awards from recognized Government or other reputable Agencies, evidence of payment and Certificate of job completion.
  • Detailed Company profile including:
    • List of Managerial, key Technical and Administrative Staff of the company which should include names, curriculum vitae and copies of certificates (Academic and Professional) for each key staff.
    • List of equipment to be used for the work and their location (where applicable).
  • A sworn affidavit confirming that all information presented and attached are true and correct and to include among others:
    • That no officer of the Federal University, Ndufu Alike lkwo(FUNAI) or the Bureau of Public Procurement is a former or present Director, Shareholder or has any peculiar interest in the bidder.
    • That the Director(s) of the prospective contractual Company have never been convicted by any Court of Law.
    • That neither the Company nor any of the Company’s director is bankrupt.
    • That the Company is not in receivership.
The documents should follow the order listed '1-11' above and separated using colored labelled separators. Each parcel should have a table of content indicating the pages on which these items are to be found.

Bid Collection
Bid documents will be available for collection from the office of the Director(Physical Planning, Works and Services Department), Federal University Ndufu-Alike,Ikwo on presentation of a Bank Draft in the sum of N25,000 per Lot , being the Non-refundable Processing Fee.

Bid Opening and Venue
Technical Bids will be opening immediately after the close of bid submission by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, 22nd August, 2017 in the Multi-Purpose Hall, Faculty of Science, Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo. All Contractors and their representatives, Relevant Professional Bodies, Civil Societies Organizations (CSO) and the general public are invited to witness the bill opening exercise.

Bid Submission
The submission is to consist of “Technical” and “Financial” tender. Each submission will consist of one (1) original and two (2) duplicate copies sealed in two separate envelopes clearly marked” Technical” and “Financial” respectively and both envelopes in a third and bigger envelope. All the envelope must be clearly marked “CONFIDENTIAL” and labelled with the “The Project Name” and “Lot No” at the top right hand corner of the Envelope. The company name and phone number should be boldly written on the reverse side of the envelopes.

The envelope should be addressed to:
The Registrar,
Federal University Ndufu Alike lkwo,
Ebonyi State.

And hand delivered into the prequalification box in the Registrar’s Office. 2nd Floor, Administrative Building (G.O Chukwu Block) not later than 12noon, Tuesday 22nd August, 2017.

  • Late submission will be rejected.
  • That by the submission of the pre-qualification documents; The Federal University Ndufu-Alike. lkwo(FUNAI) is neither committed nor obliged to award any contract to any Contractor/Supplier.
  • That this advertisement for invitation to pre-qualification shall not be considered as a commitment on the part of the institution nor shall it entitle any Contractor/Supplier to make any claims whatsoever or seek any indemnity from the Federal University Ndufu-Alike ikwo (FUNAI).
  • Technical and Financial Bids put in one envelope that will expose bided amount shall be disqualified.
  • Only bidders with successful technical bids shall be invited to the next stage of the bidding process. The Financial Bids of Tenderers not Pre-Qualitled will not be opened and shall be returned to the Tenderer(s).
  • The University or its agents reserve the right to verify any submission or claims by the contractors and shall therefore by their response to this invitation, grant the University necessary authority and guarantee for such verification.
  • Contractors who have worked for the University before and have history of poor performance, abandonment or termination need not apply.


