Contractors/Suppliers of ICT Equipments Needed by Voice of Nigeria (VON), for the Listed Projects at its Various Locations

Posted by Rodney on Fri 14th Jul, 2017 -

Voice of Nigeria (VON) hereby invites reputable companies with relevant experience to tender for the under listed projects at its various locations.

Voice of Nigeria (VON) hereby invites reputable companies with relevant experience to tender for the under listed projects at its  various locations.

Lot 1: Supply of Laptop Computers.
Lot 2 Supply of Desktop Computers.
Lot 3: Supply of Printers.
Lot 4: Supply of Professional Digital Recorders.
Lot 5. Supply and Installation of GPS Master clock and Slave Clocks.

Lot 6: Design, Construction and Activation of ICT Lab.
Lot 7: Supply, Installation & Deployment of Electronic content Management system/Online collaboration software for Voice of Nigeria.
Lot 8: Supply and installation of Routers.
Lot 9: Supply and Installation of Webcasting Editing Suites for Lagos and Abuja offices.
Lot 10: Supply and Installation of software Licensed windows 10 OS.
Lot 11: Supply of spare parts for the upgrade of two (2) analogue shortwave transmitters at the Voice of Nigeria Transmitting Station in lkorodu, Lagos State.
Lot 12: Extension of public power supply (AEDC) from Transformer 1 output breaker in the low - tension (LT) room of Radio House to the Voice of Nigeria plant house.
Lot 13: Supply and installation of studio broadcast equipment for equipping two (2) digital Radio studios, one each in Abuja and Lagos.
Lot 14: Rehabilitation of Voice of Nigeria building and offices at the Broadcasting House, lkoyi, Lagos.
Lot 15: Supply and Installation of power Over Ethernet switch for ICT research and Inter communication.
Lot 16: Supply and Installation of Digital Webcast Equipment and Software.

Lot 17: Design and Launch of VON Mobile Apps.
Lot 18: Internet Bandwidth Acquisition.

  1. A sworn affidavit from the Federal High Court stating that no staff of VON nor the Bureau Public Procurement is a former or present Director, Shareholder or has any pecuniary interest in the contracts/companies and attest to the veracity of all information in the pre-qualification.
  2.  Indicate availability of requisite and appropriate skills among staff of the Contractor and availability of requisite equipment to do the job.
  3. Certificate of Registration, certified True copies of Memorandum and Article of Association including forms CO.7 and CO.2 of the Company.
  4. Evidence of offices in Nigeria and Locations.
  5. Three years audited account and three years Tax clearance certificate plus Tax Identification number.
  6. Evidence of compliance with the provision of companies Act on filing of Annual Returns in the past three years.
  7. Company profile with curriculum vitae of key personnel.
  8. Evidence of previous experience on similar jobs (scope, location and value> executed in the last three years giving names of client, their contact addresses/telephone numbers and contract sum with certificate of completion.
  9. Evidence of financial capability and banks support to handle the project(s).
  10. Evidence of Registration on the BPP National data base of Contractors, Consultants and Service Providers by inclusion of interim Registration Report(IRR) issued by BPP.
  11. Evidence of Certificate of Compliance with the Pension Reforms Act 2004 from National Pension Commission.
  12. Evidence of Certificate of Compliance from the Industrial Training Fund.
Collection of Tender Documents
Interested Companies are to collect Tender Documents from the office of the Secretary Tender Board upon payment of a non-refundable fee of N50,000.00 only.

Closing Date
Submission of Tenders closes 12noon, August 25th, 2017 and the tenders will be publicly opened immediately after the close of submissions. All interested Members of the public, civil societies and companies
that submitted tenders are invited to witness the bid opening at Voice of Nigeria Training Centre, Lugbe Transmitting Station, Airport Road, Abuja, at 12noon, on August 25th, 2017.

Submission of Tender Documents
Each Tender should be addressed appropriately Labelled "Tender" for (indicating the title of the Project) on the top left hand corner of the envelope, addressed to the Director General, Voice of Nigeria,
7th Floor, Radio House,
Area 10, Garki,
Abuja .

and deposited in the Procurement Department,Lugbe Transmitting Station, Airport Road, Abuja on or before 12noon, August 25th, 2017. Financial and Technical bids should be submitted in different envelopes.

Please Note
  1. All expenses incurred in all preparation and submission of any response to this invitation shall be borne solely by the interested participating Company.


