Borno State Ministry of Works and Transport
P.M.B 1048, Maiduguri
Invitation for Tenders for the Construction of Bama Modern Market, Rods, Drainage Network and Solar Street Lighting Facilities within Bulumkuttu: Tsallak, Stadium area, Abuja Main and Spur Road from Rama Polytechnic Wulari
The Borno State Ministry of Works and Transport invites reputable and interested Civil Engineering Contractors to submit tenders for the Construction of Barns Modern Market, Roads/Drainage Network and Solar Street Lighting Facilities.
LOT 1. (Barns Market) Construction of wings (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, A2, M3 & M4).
LOT 2. (Barns Market) Ditto wings (Al, A2, B5, & Octagons A,B,C & D)
LOT 3. (Bama Market) Ditto
i. Shopping Stalls (700); ii. Shades (3) iii. Fire Service Building
ii. Clinic, Toilets and Mosque; vi. Police out Post
vii. Road Network, Water Supply & Reticulation
LOT 4. Construction of 11.615km roads with a 16.06km concrete side drain and 4km Outfall Drain with Street lightening Facility at Bulumkuttu Tsal lake.
LOT 5: Construction of 8.03km of road and 16.06km reinforced concrete side drain with a street lightening facility within Stadium Area, Maiduguri.
LOT 6: Construction of 18.292km of road 36.584km of reinforced concrete side drain, construction of 0.85km outfall and 2.3km spur road with 500m side drain from Ramat Polytechnic-Wulari.
2.0 Eligibility Requirements: interested bidders are requested to provide the following along with their tender documents
i. Tax clearance certificate for the last three years
ii. Copy of articles and memorandum of association
iii. Evidence of registration including up to date returns with the Corpo rate Affairs Commission
iv. Evidence of registration with Borno State Government as contractor
v. Financial capability, including audited accounts for the last three years
vi. Verifiable list of similar work/supplies successfully executed including copies of letters of award and certificate of successful completion.
3.0 Collection of Tender Documents: interested tenderers are to collect tender documents from the Secretary Ministerial Tenders Board, Borno State Ministry of Works and transport upon payment of non re fundable tender for of N250,000.00 for the Bama Market Project and N500,000.00 for the Roads/ Drainage & Streetlight each as from 17th September, 2012.
4.0 Submission of Tender Document:- The completed tender documents should be enclosed in an envelope sealed and marked;
Tender documents for the construction of:
Lot 1: Construction of Road and Drainage Network and Solar Street Lightening
Facility within Bulumkuttu Tsallak Area
Lot 2: Construction of Road and drainage network within Stadium area.
Lot 3: Construction of Road and Drainage within Bulumkuttu Abuja Main and Spur Road from Ramat polytechnic Wulari.
Addressed To:-
The Secretary,
Ministerial Tenders Board,
Borno State Ministry of Works and Transport,
Musa Usman Secretariat,
Closing Date
2nd October, 2012.
5.0 Opening of Tenders:- All submitted bids shall be opened in the presence of bidders who prefer to by present on the 2nd October, 2012 in the Office of the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Works and Trans port at 12:noon prompt.
6.0 The Borno State Ministry of Works and Transport reserves the right to reject any or all the tender documents.
Secretary Ministerial Tenders Board
Borno State Ministry of Works & Transport, Maiduguri