The West African Health Organization (WAHO) invites qualified and reputable IT suppliers, construction companies and design offices to indicate interest by submitting EOI documents for the following works:
West African Health Organization (WAHO) - As a Specialized Institution of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) responsible for health issues, the West African Health Organisation was created by Protocol A/P2/7/87 of 9 July 1987 signed in Abuja by the Heads of State and Government. WAHO’s Headquarters is located in Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso.
Applications are invited for:
Title: Expression of Interest for the Creation of a Data Base of IT Suppliers, Construction Companies and Design Offices
Within the framework of the Project "Strengthening Epidemiological Services and Health Systems in ECOWAS Countries" financed by KFW, the West African Health Organization (WAHO) plans to carry out facility renovation, provision of IT equipment and technical assistance to laboratories concerned in Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Niger and Nigeria.
The main objective of this call for expressions of interest is to generate a database of Suppliers/ Construction companies/Design offices that may be contacted by WAHO and consistent with WARO procedures for the execution of facility renovations, the supply of goods, and for the provision of technical assistance (consultancy) for:
- Nigeria Centre for Diseases Control (NCDC)
- Central Public Health Laboratory (CPHL)
- Centre for Human & Zoonotic Virology (CHAZVY), Central Research Laboratory (CRL), Lagos
- University Teaching Hospital
- National Veterinary Research Institute (NVRI)
- Enugu Medical Diagnostic Centre (EMDC)
Scope of Work
To this end, WARO through this notice solicits the expression of interest from IT suppliers, construction companies and design office established in Nigeria and which have competence in the following areas:
- Design offices for construction and or rehabilitation work (architectural or engineering firm);
- Construction companies for the realization of laboratory rehabilitation works;
- Companies specialized in the supply and installation of computer equipment.
Eligibility Requirements
Interested institutions in this notice are invited to provide an expression of interest including:
- A signed letler of expression of interest specifying the institution's field of intervention;
- A copy of their trade register;
- A description of the key personnel, surname, first names, level of education, professional experience (for construction companies and design offices);
- A list of equipment (for construction companies);
- A list of the most important achievements in the field of intervention during the last five years (with at least 2 copies of certificates of successful completion or any other evidence deemed acceptable).
Application Closing Date
12:00 GMT, 9th September, 2021.
Submission of Documents
Interested institutions should scan their EOI documents/files and
Click Here to electronically upload.
- No entity is allowed to express its interest in more than one area.
- Only the shortlisted companies will be contacted for the restricted procedures.