Invitation for Expression of Interest to conduct medical tests at PATHS2

Posted by Leuna on Mon 10th Sep, 2012 -

PATHS 2 Micro Health Insurance Medical Firm to Conduct Medical Teats During Survey of microfinance Clients in Lagos State.

Invitation for Expression of Interest
The Partnership for Transforming Health Services (PATHS) 2 project, a 6-year national program funded by the UK's Department for International Development (DFiD) to lead health system strengthening efforts in Nigeria is working to expand health insurance coverage to the poor. One aspect of this is to provide assistance in the design, distribution, and operations of pro- poor health insurance through partnerships between health maintenance organizations (HMO) and microfinance banks (MFB).
PATHS 2 is working to improve financial access to health services through multiple approaches. One such approach involves partnerships between PATHS2, three HMOs and four MFBs in Lagos State to develop and scale up pro-poor health insurance products. PATHS2 is providing technical assistance throughout the design, marketing, and sales of these products. The products are expected to be ready to sell by the end of 2012 and substantial work will he needed before and after the product launch to collect data on potential buyers of this health insurance in order to understand its impact.
A medical firm is needed to work alongside a survey team to conduct medical tests on 4,000 survey respondents in Lagos state as part of a larger project supporting the roll- out of private pro-poor health insurance through microfinance banks in Lagos State. Medical tests will include a point-of use anemia test so that respondents can get hemoglobin results immediately, 3 blood pressure readings to be averaged together, and anthropometric measures including height weight, and BMI.
1. Key Deliverables & Expected Outputs:
Execution of medical tests on 4,000 respondents in Lagos state including a point-of-use anemia test, 3 blood pressure readings each, and anthropometric measurements including height, weight, and BMI;
Approval from PATHS2 of point-of-use anemia test machines, blood pressure cuffs, and durable supplies needed for anthropometric measurements including only height, weight, and BMI;
Procurement of necessary disposable equipment for all medical tests;
Selection of qualified staff to conduct tests and troubleshoot problems from the field;

Plan to supervise and ensure quality and accuracy of all medical tests;
Final database of all measurements, and short final report on activity.

2. Closing Date
The closing date is August 16, 2012.
Expected Timeline: September-December 2012
Interested groups or organizations should kindly register their interest by sending email as indicated here which will qualify them for the full proposal. Ensure you indicate your contact person's name and telephone number on or before August 16, 2012 to:


