The African Union Commission (AUC) invites qualified consulting firms to tender RFP documents for the following works:
The African Union Commission (AU) is a continental union consisting of 55 member states located on the continent of Africa. The AU was announced in the Sirte Declaration in Sirte, Libya, on 9 September 1999, calling for the establishment of the African Union.
Applications are invited for:
Title: Request for Proposal (RFP) - Consultancy Firm to Prepare External Audit Manual for the African Union Board of External Auditors
The African Union Commission has reserved funds toward the cost of consultancy services. The African Union now invites consulting firms to provide the following consulting services (hereinafter called “Services”) To Prepare External Audit Manual for the African Union Board of External Auditors.
Scope of Work
The manual should refer to the following documents as applicable to the African Union Context:
- African Union Financial Rules and Regulations (AU FRR).
- International Standards on Audit (ISA)
- Standards and guidelines of International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and African Supreme Audit Institution (AFROSAI).
- Rules of Procedures of the African Union Board of External Auditors and Audit Operation Committee.
- To help the African Union Board of External Auditors (BoEA) produce high-quality financial and compliance audit reports.
- To set out the principles underlying BoEA audits and the procedures that should be followed during performing the audit.
- To help auditors to perform audit (Statutory and Special Audits) in economic, efficient and effective manner.
- The manual focuses on a risk based approach and also helps to exercise sound judgment based on auditing standards.
AU Commission is seeking to hire an experienced firm to undertake the preparation of the African Union External Audit Policy and Procedure manual with the following deliverables:
- Set out the frame work for Financial and Compliance audits in the African Union Context.
- Describe audit planning, setting out materiality, identifying key risk areas through understanding the entity, designing appropriate audit testing, as a basis for an efficient and effective audit.
- Identify the methodology to be used during the examination phases so as to acquire sufficient, relevant and reliable audit evidence
- Describes the reports to be produced and the types of opinion that may be provided when reporting on the financial statements and compliance audit.
- The manual should contain practical guidance, such as checklist, instructions, and detailed methods.
- Provides, wherever necessary, standard templates for reporting, as an annex to the manual.
- The draft manual should be submitted to the AU within a month time from the date of the contract.
- Final manual should be completed within two month from the date the contract is signed.
Proposal Requirements
Experience of the Firm:
- A minimum of ten years’ experience in Auditing and Consultancy.
- Experience with similar organizations auditing is required.
Lead Consultant:
- Advanced University Degree and Professional Certification, ACCA, CPA, CA or similar.
- 10 years working experience with similar organization and preparing manuals.
Application Closing Date
17th January, 2022.
Submission of Documents
- The files of the technical and Financial Proposal should be separately encrypted, or password protected.
- The Email shall not be encrypted but only the Technical and Financial Proposals shall be encrypted or password protected.
- Consultants should ensure documents are not corrupt or affected by any computer virus that may possibly deny an access to the files. The Client shall not be responsible for such corrupt files which may deny access during the proposal opening process.
- Password or encryption key for each of the proposals should be sent to:
For more clarifications on this RFP, please
Click Here (PDF).