The African Union (AU) invites interested / qualified consultant(s) to indicate interest by submitting EOI documents for the following works:
The African Union (AU) is a continental union consisting of 55 member states located on the continent of Africa. The AU was announced in the Sirte Declaration in Sirte, Libya, on 9 September 1999, calling for the establishment of the African Union.
Applications are invited for:
Title: Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) - IFNA Regional Consultancy for French Speaking Countries in Africa
IFNA (Initiative for Food and Nutrition Security in Africa) was launched at the 6th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 6) in Nairobi, Kenya in 2016. It was established by African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)as co-chair organizations, together with other eight international institutions (AfDB, FAO, IFAD, JIRCAS, UNICEF, WFP, WHO and World Bank) as Steering Committee (SC) member organizations. IFNA Secretariat was set up in AUDA-NEPAD HQ in Midrand, South Africa.
This initiative aims to contribute to a comprehensive improvement in the nutrition status of Africa in line with the Second Sustainable Development Goal and the Malabo Declaration. Its objective, as described in IFNA Yokohama Declaration, is “to establish a framework for collaboration with African governments in order to accelerate the implementation of their food and nutrition security policies on the ground”. IFNA is an initiative that to assist government’s effort to accelerate materialization of nutrition-related policies into nutrition improvement actions on the ground.
Since the establishment of IFNA Secretariat in July 2017, IFNA has done extensive work. A survey was conducted in each initial participating country to identify the food and nutrition security status as well as recommendations and suggestions for further planning. From February 2018, based on this survey as reference, IFNA facilitated relevant stakeholder in each country (government ministries at the national and provincial level from various sector and development partners) to draft an action plan called IFNA Country Strategy for Actions (ICSA). IFNA has developed its technical approach called Nutrient Focused Approach (NFA) which promotes dietary diversity with focus in necessary nutrients to correspond to nutrition issues such as anemia.
IFNA’s next focus is to materialize and operationalize the government’s policy and priorities in nutrition improvement as stipulated in ICSA in the form of program and project with various stakeholders in different sectors that influence in nutrition improvement. In parallel to this, IFNA provides capacity development opportunities to the government staff in order for them to analyze, develop and implement effective nutrition interventions at the sub-national level.
IFNA is seeking a qualified consultant, IFNA Regional Consultant, to support implementing IFNA’s activities at country level and be responsible for African countries (French-speaking countries), particularly the followings:
- Burkina Faso
- Chad
- Madagascar
- Senegal
- Mauritania
Please note the above countries and the number of countries are subject to change, based on the needs identified.
- The objective of the consultancy is to support IFNA implementation and other related nutrition program under the joint supervision of AUDA-NEPAD, JICA, and IFNA Secretariat.
Note: While the consultant will be jointly supervised, he/she will work based on a contract with JICA South Africa office.
The consultancy will be expected to deliver, the following outputs:
- Progress report (monthly and annual basis) and participate on AUDA-NEPAD Nutrition weekly meetings for joint reporting;
- IFNA Workshop/training reports and documents as necessary;
- Regular technical reporting on the implementation of the AUDA-NEPAD Home Grown School feeding guidelines;
- Final and updated ICSA or similar action plan in responsible countries;
- Action and resource map of nutrition actors in responsible countries;
- Draft, updated and final CNs and project proposals based on ICSA or similar action plan;
- List of IFNA related projects in responsible countries.
Qualifications, Experience and Competencies
The minimum qualification of the applicant is as follows:
- Education: Advanced university degree (Master or higher is desirable) from an accredited institution in nutrition, agriculture, food science, food technology or a closely related subject.
- Job experience: Minimum of five years of professional experience in food and nutrition improvement particularly in agriculture sector. Multisectoral nutrition programming and implementation among related sectors is highly desirable.
- Language requirement: Excellent written and verbal communication skills in French as well as English. Monthly Report has to be submitted in English. Working knowledge of another AU official languages such as Arabic, Portuguese and other African languages are desirable.
Eligibility Criteria
- Have no conflict of interest in relationship to performance of this assignment.
- Are not subject to, and not controlled by any entity or individual that is subject to, a temporary suspension or a debarment imposed by the World Bank or any other multilateral development bank and being listed on the website or respectively on the relevant list of any other multilateral development bank. Further, are not ineligible pursuant to a decision of the United Nations Security Council.
- Have not been convicted by a final judgement or a final administrative decision or subject to financial sanctions by the United Nations or Country for involvement in a criminal organisation, money laundering, terrorist-related offences, child labour or trafficking in human beings; this criterion of exclusion is also applicable to legal Persons, whose majority of shares are held or factually controlled by natural or legal Persons which themselves are subject to such convictions or sanctions.
- Are not being bankrupt, wound up or ceasing our activities, having our activities administered by courts, having entered receivership, reorganisation or being in any analogous situation.
- They have not been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organization or any other illegal activity detrimental to the financial interests of AUDA-NEPAD and/or JICA.
- They have not been declared guilty of gross professional misconduct proven by any means which AUDA-NEPAD and/or JICA can justify.
Application Closing Date
14:00pm (GMT+2), 4th February, 2022.
Submission of Documents
For a detailed description of the EOI, please
Click Here (PDF).