John Snow Incorporated (JSI) invites reliable and qualified suppliers / firms to express interest by submitting RFQ documents for the supply of the following works:
John Snow Incorporated (JSI) has partnered to strengthen the Nigerian health system since 1988. Today we are helping to strengthen market systems for family planning and HIV commodities in the public and private sectors. Taking a total market approach (TMA) to HIV prevention, condoms, lubricants, HIV self-testing, and PrEP, JSI is engaging the private sector and building its capacity to improve access to HIV prevention commodities. To stimulate demand, JSI is improving awareness and use of HIV-prevention commodities via social media through the Keep It Safe and Sweet (KISS) behavior change communication (BCC) campaign. JSI is also strengthening the capacity of the Nigerian Government to coordinate the many partners involved in TMA for HIV prevention programming. This initiative is a continuation of work first begun under the USAID-funded AIDSFree project that JSI implemented between 2014 and 2020.
Applications are invited for:
Title: Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Supply of Laboratory Equipment and Reagent
RFQ Number: JSI-TMA/HALG-2022-04-01
We are looking for reliable and qualified suppliers / firms to supply Laboratory Equipment and Reagent to the following locations in Lagos State:
- Agege - 25, Adeyemi Street, Off Anoluwapo Street, Agege, close to Abiola market,
- Lagos Island - 8, Araromi Street, Off Moloney Street, Lagos Island
- Ikorodu - 75, Ipakodo Road, Ebute beside Malok Filling Station, adjacent to Domino Pizza, Ikorodu
Scope of Work
S / N |
Item Description |
Quantity |
Locations |
1 |
A clinical chemistry autoanalyzer |
3 |
Agege 1, Lagos Island 1, Ikorodu 1 |
2 |
Automated 3-part haematology analyser |
2 |
Agege - 1, Lagos Island - 1, |
3 |
Malaria parasite rapid diagnostic kits |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
4 |
Widal reagent |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
5 |
H. Pylori rapid diagnostic kits |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
6 |
Autoclave |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
7 |
Incubator |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
8 |
Agar salts for: McConkey/dextrose |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
9 |
Agar salts for nutrient |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
10 |
Agar salt for Saburoid dextrose |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
11 |
Haematocrit centrifuge tubes |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
12 |
Bunsen burner/gas cylinder |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
13 |
Reagent for AST |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
14 |
Reagent for ALT |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
15 |
Reagent for TG |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
16 |
Reagent for LDL |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
17 |
Reagent for HDL |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
18 |
Electrolytes - Potassium |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
19 |
Electrolytes - Sodium |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
20 |
Electrolytes - Creatinine |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
21 |
Electrolytes - Urea |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
22 |
Hepatitis B rapid diagnostic kit |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
23 |
Hepatitis C rapid diagnostic kit |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
24 |
Syphilis rapid diagnostic kit |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
25 |
Consumables - Hand gloves (disposable) x
100s |
1 carton |
Agege - 1 |
26 |
Vacutainer tubes (EDTA) x 25s |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
27 |
Vacutainer tubes (Plain) x 25s |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
28 |
Lab Coats |
1 |
Agege - 1 |
N/B: Vendor’s Expected Delivery Date: Two weeks from the acknowledgment of a Purchase Order (PO).
Terms and Conditions of the Solicitation
A.) Notice Of Non-Binding Solicitation
- Issuance of this solicitation does not constitute an award commitment on the part of John Snow Inc. (JSI) Nigeria, nor does it commit John Snow Inc. (JSI), Nigeria to pay for any costs incurred in the preparation or submission of the price quotes. John Snow Inc. (JSI), Nigeria reserves the right to reject any offers if such action is considered to be in the best interest of the projects.
- John Snow Inc. (JSI), Nigeria reserves the right to issue Purchase Orders to multiple vendors.
- The Purchase Order, once accepted by the bidder, becomes a binding contract, including the content of JSI Standard Terms and Conditions, e.g., Anti-human Trafficking and Child Safeguarding Provisions.
Invoicing and Payment:
- Payment will be made according to Article 6 of the JSI standard Purchase Order terms and conditions (see attached).
Number of Quotations per Bidder:
- If so desired, firms may submit one or more alternative quotations.
- JSI hereby reserves the right to reject bids received in response to this RFQ and is in no way bound to accept any proposal. JSI additionally reserves the right to negotiate the substance of the finalists’ proposals, including the option of accepting partial components of a proposal if appropriate. Quantities may be subject to change. Once a bid or partial quantity of a bid is accepted and confirmed with an order, failure to provide the goods in a timely way –except for force majeure- will be considered a failure to perform in accordance with this tender and with JSI’s standard contract terms and conditions.
B.) Confidentiality
- All information provided as part of this RFQ must be treated as confidential. In the event that any information is inappropriately released, JSI will seek appropriate remedies as stated in the attached Terms and Conditions.
- The content of proposals, discussions –including but not limited to email exchanges-, and all information received in response to this RFQ will be held strictly confidential, except as otherwise noted.
C.) Communication
- All communications regarding this solicitation shall be directed to the appropriate parties at JSI.
- Contacting third parties involved in the project, the review panel, or any other party may constitute a conflict of interest, and could result in disqualification of the proposal.
D.) Acceptance
- Award of a proposal does not imply acceptance of its terms and conditions. JSI reserves the option to negotiate the final terms and conditions. JSI additionally reserves the right to negotiate the substance of the finalists’ proposals, as well as the option of accepting partial components of a proposal if deemed appropriate.
E.) Right To Final Negotiations
- JSI reserves the option to negotiate on the final costs and final scope of work and also reserves the option to limit or include third parties at JSI’s sole and full discretion in such negotiations.
F.) Third-Party Limitations
- JSI does not represent, warrant, or act as an agent for any third party as a result of this solicitation. This solicitation does not authorize any third party to bind or commit JSI in any way without JSI’s express written consent by duly authorized Senior Management staff.
G.) Review Process
- The review process will involve a review panel with participants from JSI. It may, at JSI’s discretion involve other entities as determined necessary.
H.) Proposal Validity
- The proposal shall be valid for 60 days after submission.
Application Closing Date
27th April, 2022.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified Bidders are expected to submit a signed financial bid in Naira (NGN) with the company letterhead paper with the following:
- Detailed description and pack size of each item
- Country of origin or manufacture
- Unit Cost and total cost
- Delivery period
- Validity of quotation
- Warranty/Shelf life as applicable
All bids must be received, electronically at:
Click here for more information (PDF)
Click here for the General Contract Terms and Conditions for Supply of Products and Services (PDF)
Note: Please send questions on the RFQ, in one email to: not later than April 19th, 2022.