The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) invites eligible bidders and vendors to tender quotations for the procurement of the following works:
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a United Nations organization tasked with helping countries eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth and human development. Headquartered in New York City, it is the largest UN development aid agency, with offices in 170 countries.
Applications are invited for:
Title: Request for Quotation (RFQ) - Supply of 50 Pieces Automatic Thermosat (Trane) for UN House Fan Coils
Reference No: UNDP/NGA/2022/16
Scope of Work
- The Supply of 50 Pieces Automatic Thermosat (Trane)
- Specification: TR-922FCT-4-RCS-485 FCU Room
Application Closing Date
12:00pm, 27th April, 2022.
Submission of Documents
All bids should be submitted via email to:
Please follow the following instructions:
- File Format: pdf
- File names must be maximum 60 characters long and must not contain any letter or special character other than from Latin alphabet/keyboard.
- All files must be free of viruses and not corrupted.
- Max. File Size per transmission: 4MB
- Mandatory subject of email: UNDP/NGA/2022/16 -SUPPLY OF 50 pieces of Automatic
- Thermostat (Trane) for UN House Fan Coils at UN House
- Multiple emails must be clearly identified by indicating in the subject line “email no. X of Y”, and the final “email no. Y of Y.
- It is recommended that the entire Quotation be consolidated into as few attachments as possible.
- The bidder should receive an email acknowledging email receipt.
Click Here (MS WORD) for more clarifications.