Oxfam International invites interested, eligible and reputable consultants to indicate interest by submitting RFQ documents for the following works:
Oxfam is a British founded confederation of 21 independent charitable organizations focusing on the alleviation of global poverty, founded in 1942 and led by Oxfam International.
Applications are invited for:
Title: Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Consultancy To Update Voice Nigeria Context Analysis For 2022
About Voice
Voice1is an innovative grant facility to support rightsholders and groups facing marginalisation and discrimination in their efforts to exert influence in accessing productive and social services and political participation. Voice operates in contexts where civic space and power is shifting at a fast pace, and often closing rather than opening. Where the narrative is negative an underlining marginalisation and vulnerability, rather than the; dreams and successful steps made towards a better, more; inclusive world. Voice aims to support these dreams and steps towards a more inclusive society. Since its start as a grant-maker in late 2016, Voice has been supporting over 500 grants, having allocated approximately 47 million.
Prior to the start of the grant-making, the Voice programme took a close look at these contexts and published a description for each country as well as globally. The analyses guided the planning and Calls for Proposals. This exercise was repeated at a smaller scale in 2018 and 2020. Thus far, the context analysis supported the Voice team to get deeper insight into the issues at stake for different rightsholder groups and across geographical areas. And to ‘see’ the enormous diversity of issues among and within the countries Voice is working in. Less “usual” groups within the Voice key rightsholders surfaced, like persons with Albinism, youth with psychosocial or intellectual disabilities, the elderly within all rightsholder groups, are just a few examples of the rich palette of diversity.
It also informs direction for the next call for proposal. This year is critical as we plan to wrap up our grant making cycle for the extension phase.
Job Purpose
- We are looking for a consultant with vast experience within the development sector, to update the context analysis for Voice Nigeria for this fiscal year 2022.
- The main purpose of the 2022 context analysis update is to do a “reality check”: are we working with the right groups? Those groups that are given less chances and opportunities by society to fully live their identity and their dreams? Based on; the country portfolio, are we reaching rightsholder groups and organizations beyond the usual Oxfam partnerships? Are we using the right tools and language to support those whom we want to reach;to document the changes!
- It is also a moment to document what is shifting in society and what we learned about equality and the contexts we are working in. How has the situation changed since the last update?
- What is / has been the impact (so far) of the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic? What shifting trends do we notice? Are power relations shifting? Are there regional and national shifts in poverty and vulnerability as well as in strengths and visibility? What are some of the main factors of inclusion and exclusion of rightsholders? What are the aspirations and change agendas of the rightsholders for their future?
- Furthermore, Voice is already looking beyond the extension phase and the 2022 context analysis will help the country teams and the coordination team to be better informed when mapping out potential strategies around supporting rightsholders when "moving on '' from the Voice extension phase in 2024.
The selected consultant will work closely with Voice Nigeria team to update context analysis FY 2022, particularly on deep analysis and develop a report with recommendation. The following deliverable are expected:
- Review documents related to Voice (previous context analysis report) including all relevant resources information, research studies and data collection information (collected by Voice team and grantee partners).
- Desk review to gather additional information reflecting changes and shifting trends within the context; that relate to Voice rightsholders or the thematic areas that Voice focus on
- Identify and engage all stakeholders through different approaches, to gather information.
- Analyse all information based on 5 key elements (Rightsholder (all five rightsholder groups); Power analysis, Relation of the; rightsholder groups to society Risk assessment; Important alliances (individuals and institutions); State of affairs.
- Develop a context analysis update report (max 20 pages) that answer the questions defined in the objectives with key areas to cover:
- Zooming out - The big picture: How are these shifts influencing or likely to influence the country and the lives of rightsholders we work with? What (general) opportunities or challenges have emerged because of these shifts?
- Zooming in - Voices behind the picture:What are the effects, risks and or opportunities for rightsholders emerging from the shifts? Provide specific information or issues from rightsholder groups Voice serves or intends to support. Don't forget to include an intersectional lens. What are the aspirations of rightsholders? What changes are they envisioning?
- Zooming out - Fostering change: What can Voice make out of these observations? What role can we play to further support rightsholders? What strategies can be employed to improve the experiences of rightsholders? Did we advance on the priorities and conclusions from the 2020 update, and if not, how are we intending to do so?
- The consultant will work closely with the Voice Nigeria team to organise a validation workshop to present key findings on the context analysis update, develop a final report incorporating feedback and observations made at the validation workshop, and then make recommendations for the project.
- Liaise with Voice Nigerian team to ensure proper representation of Nigerian findings into overall global context update. This includes preparing a summary of the Nigerian report and PowerPoint presentation to be submitted to the global team.
- Successful facilitation of the validation workshop and delivery of a report
- Develop a comprehensive context update on the situation of the 5 rightsholders of Voice in Nigeria, capturing the big picture (zooming out); Voices behind the picture (zooming in); how we foster change as Voice (zooming in) etc.
- Summary report and power point presentation of the findings, using Voice template where available
- Readily available to provide clarity for country and global team on the research
Qualification Requirements
- A locally-based consultant (individual or team) who has experiences working with or is a member of any of the rights holder groups supported by Voice;
- Minimum 5-7 years of progressive professional experience in research, data collection and critical analysis on policy, economic and social issues that affect marginalised and discriminated groups;
- Be able to work well with senior experts from different fields and backgrounds, knowing how to contribute to building program quality and inclusiveness;
- Proven excellent communication and interpersonal skills, capability to foster networks and partnership, and good knowledge of information and computer technology;
- Previous experience in facilitating meetings and workshops online with large groups of participants;
- Demonstrated ability to handle confidential and political sensitive issues in a responsible and mature manners;
- Demonstrated openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
- Demonstrated capability to multitask under pressure and to meet strict deadlines;
- Excellent command of spoken and written English.
- Capability to effectively communicate messages and ideas to people from different cultures and backgrounds;
- Capability to effectively engage people from diverse backgrounds and cultures to change their behaviour and attitude towards gender justice and women’s rights;
- Capability to attain and maintain the high standard of feminism and women’s rights under the complex situation of power dynamics.
Key Attributes:
- Ability to demonstrate sensitivity to cultural differences and gender issues, as well as the commitment to equal opportunities.
- Ability to demonstrate an openness and willingness to learn about the application of gender/gender mainstreaming, women’s rights, and diversity for all aspects of development work.
- Commitment to Oxfam’s safeguarding policies to ensure all people who come into contact with Oxfam are as safe as possible.
Application Closing Date
5:00pm (WAT), 26th April, 2022.
How to Apply
For inquiries about procurement and bids, send an email to:
Click Here to download the detailed TOR of the quotation.